New boy from the north west!

Well I say boy but thats probably a stretch at 37, but who's counting ;)

I'm Dan

I'm really starting to get into proper shaving and enjoying it as an art form instead of just a chore to do. Been shaving with a gillette fusion power for years now, but I use king of shaves oil and shave in the shower. I'm lucky enough not to need to shave every day and can get away with 2-3 times a week or less if feeling lazy.

I have quite dry/sensiive skin and I need to moisturise daily, double on shaving days.
I'm about to run out of fusion blades in a few weeks and I'm looking to not replace them.

My plan is to introduce a brush and shaving soap soon and then to get a razor maybe with next months pay packet.

But like with all things and forums - where the hell do you start ?!!?

Oh and for the birth year stuff I'm a March 1978 boy so I think thats a Y1
But my Dad is a November 1953 boy so that makes him a Y4 ??

Is that right? Guessing I need to add in 'type' as well as code to get the correct year?
Hi Dan

Fellow north west chap here, also a recent convert, you will never look back I promise.

I have found this site to be invaluable, it is full of very helpful and generous people.
Welcome to the forum Dan.
There are myriad options out there for brushes, soaps/creams and razors.
Have a browse around the site and some specialist online vendors like connaught, shaving station, etc. There are lots in the Vendor section
Welcome aboard!

By 1978 you're going to be limited on choice for a vintage razor, but the Gillette Superspeed with a black handle was still available then and it's a good razor - mild, yet capable. Sounds like it might well be up your street. There's also the classic Gillette Tech. That was available both in 1953 and 1978, so you could get a matching pair for you & Dad.
Cheers guys, think I'm going to try and get a brush and a soap first and then probably a Edwin Jagger DE89 to start with.
I can't seem to find any affiliate links for Amazon tho, everything I've seen so far is either a dead link or just plain text :s
dannyn said:
Well I say boy but thats probably a stretch at 37, but who's counting ;)

I'm Dan

I'm really starting to get into proper shaving and enjoying it as an art form instead of just a chore to do.

I'm about to run out of fusion blades in a few weeks and I'm looking to not replace them.

My plan is to introduce a brush and shaving soap soon and then to get a razor maybe with next months pay packet.

But like with all things and forums - where the hell do you start ?!!?

Hi Dan,

Not a bad idea to start that way, without too many variables to deal with. Using a razor brings a lot more things to figure out and to hopefully be a good fit.

Your lather will be lousy for a while and using the cartridge will let you know when you've done things right or wrong. Then when you do get a razor the lather won't be a problem while figuring that new technique out.

I'll mention another way to go if you don't wanna jump into using a bunch of new things all at once. Rather than a brush and soap/cream, get the razor now and learn to use it with a good quality canned foam. Yes, there is such a thing, although I'm not the one to ask. This way you can develop some technique and will learn about blades along the way. That's a real handy thing to know.....the razor part.

After 3-4 weeks or so get a brush. If that lather isn't at least as comfortable as the foam, you know it's not right and not because the razor part is messed up.

If it was me, I would probably start with canned stuff and a DE razor, but everyone has their druthers. The foamy goop provides a consistently good variable and this way you know the lather is not gonna be screwing things up.

Hi Dan - Welcome!
My first razor was a DE89 (just over 12 months ago now), a great razor, you won't be disappointed. But, if you want cheap, get yourself down to Boots (will probably need to be one of their larger stores) and bag a Wilkinson Sword Classic DE Razor. It's a plastic jobbie with some metal in the handle to give a little extra weight. Costs about £6 I think and comes with a couple of blades. It's a very mild razor, but doing the whole 3 pass thing with the right technique will get you a fine shave.
I bought one out of curiosity not long after starting and recently picked it up again, it'll definitely get you started before you get addicted and start spending all your savings on shaving gear [emoji16]
dannyn said:
Cheers guys, think I'm going to try and get a brush and a soap first and then probably a Edwin Jagger DE89 to start with.
I can't seem to find any affiliate links for Amazon tho, everything I've seen so far is either a dead link or just plain text :s
That's the razor I have started with, it's a winner, I am now doing a regular 3 pass with no nicks at all, brilliant razor.

My first razor was the Wilkinson Sword Classic, it is a great razor to start with and not too expensive if you don't take to it. My second was the Edwin Jagger and it is a much better IMHO.

My first cream was Taylor of Old Bond Street, I found it good and it lasted ages! Didn't get into soap until last year and only really tried two.

Good luck!

Oh and you've got me thinking about a birth year razor now!
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