Nazi Japanese 6/8 Straight

"C'est un chapeau." Mon dessin ne représentait pas un chapeau!


Il représentait un serpent boa qui digérait un éléphant.


Les grandes personnes ne comprennent jamais rien toutes seules.
I came across this so I think the razor could be a Nazi Swastika it's certainly not out of the question after all there was not many others during that period using that symbol on mass produced everyday western style items, and after all the Nazi & Japanese imperial war machine were more than happy bed fellows.
That symbol for me will forever be tainted with Nazi evil which is sad because it obviously has very different roots. I really don't wish to offend any of the smashing gents on here whose religion has either a benign or positive use/meaning of said symbol however oriented. Yon razor gives me the heebie jeebies - makes me want to salt and burn it!

Oh, and as for Eva, there's nobody like that Braun here.
The helmet is as worn by Japanese warriors around the 15th century.
The swastika is a holy auspicious symbol emanating from Hinduism.
That's it.
Steve if you are uneasy about it, you know perfectly well if you package it with a Cape Kennedy, a place where so many human disasters have occurred, I will take both of these off from you very willingly!

The trident is also a Hindu symbol and known as a Trishul. It is also used as a weapon. One of the Indian Gods Shiv is depicted with one in most pictures, statues etc. The Trishul is also, from where the number 3 comes.
And the Trishul itself is derived from the shape of the male genitals. Also, it is a fertility symbol.
Enough enlightenment for one day.
Thank you Arun. The enlightenment was most welcome, the swastika razor has gone to a good home and as soon as I get my hands on a certain Tanifuji I will send it over to you as rapid as a Saturn 5.
Arun said:
The helmet is as worn by Japanese warriors around the 15th century.
The swastika is a holy auspicious symbol emanating from Hinduism.
That's it.
Steve if you are uneasy about it, you know perfectly well if you package it with a Cape Kennedy, a place where so many human disasters have occurred, I will take both of these off from you very willingly!

The trident is also a Hindu symbol and known as a Trishul. It is also used as a weapon. One of the Indian Gods Shiv is depicted with one in most pictures, statues etc. The Trishul is also, from where the number 3 comes.
And the Trishul itself is derived from the shape of the male genitals. Also, it is a fertility symbol.
Enough enlightenment for one day.

I can assure you the trident printed with the guarantee that came with the NOS razor I pick up from Japan as absolutey nothing to do with Trishul but 100% to do with Wusthof, another thing I think people are underestimating the German Japanese connection Japan is full of vintage German razors some of the most popular razors in Japan are German, you often see etch on some Japanese blade real German hollow ground, and Henckels razors often fetch more money in Japan over their own much sought after Japanese razors, I've als seen Wusthof knives and daggers from the 1930s and 40s with the swastika inlay and stamp many times.

that helmet at least to me doesn't look like a WWII
German helmet, they didn't have nose guards for a start
(the separated area to the left) which is also a bit odd if
its supposed to be the back of a helmet.

The swastika is wrong as well, the ends of the arms are cantered
out a little, like the Buddhist swastika...


but the heffalump still had me a bit baffled, as the only symbolic
elephant I could think of was Ganesh but that of course is Hinduism.
So looking into the links between Hinduism and japan I found this Wiki

And although it says that Hinduism didn't have much of
an impact, it did have an influence on Japanese Buddhism.
There was even a Japanese god
Kangiten Patron deity of Bliss and Remover of Obstacles(my emphasis).

Kangiten was based on Ganesh and Ganesh's symbol was the swastika

(note particularly the shape of the swastika in the first left hand image).

I think that a Japanese Buddhist would have been quite happy to have
the elephant god, remover of obstacles and symbolized by a swastika
on his razor.
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