
I am having a 'full' moustache up to the edges of my lips.
Unfortunately - and I'm a little embarrassed about this - I completely absent-mindedly yesterday morning - did one pass on two days' growth before realising what I had done. I need to remember not to lather there then I won't shave it. Hopefully!
What a shagwit!
Well, I have been cajolled into leaving the fuzz on my top lip by the women at work - so ( woefully outnumbered as we are) us three chaps at work are all trying to effect the Village People look - and sadly Im lagging behind The otehr two chaps are alredy sporting a reasonable growth of stubble.
I know from previous bitter experience that even after a month of not shaving my top lip I will still look like some overweight 5th year schoolboy trying to get served in a pub. Only without the acne.

I dont know, 45 and you think I would be able to grow a tash :-(
NotTheStig said:
I am having a 'full' moustache up to the edges of my lips.
Unfortunately - and I'm a little embarrassed about this - I completely absent-mindedly yesterday morning - did one pass on two days' growth before realising what I had done. I need to remember not to lather there then I won't shave it. Hopefully!
What a shagwit!

You're not the first.
I haven't shaved since the 1st. I wanted to get at least a couple of days growth going, so i can see what shape it will be. Going to shave tonight, better make sure not to lather my top lip, lol
Im turning into this:-
joe mcclaine said:
NotTheStig said:
I am having a 'full' moustache up to the edges of my lips.
Unfortunately - and I'm a little embarrassed about this - I completely absent-mindedly yesterday morning - did one pass on two days' growth before realising what I had done. I need to remember not to lather there then I won't shave it. Hopefully!
What a shagwit!

You're not the first.

NotTheStig said:
You mean Brian Blessed had a full shave?

I shaved half my 'tache off last year. The muscle memory took over and ten days' growth was down the drain - literally.

This year I'm giving Movember a miss as my beard is bountiful and it would be a shame to shave it off. I do use my straight to trim around the edges.

I am though looking forward to Fanuary. I wonder if any of TSR's lady members will be taking part? :s:icon_razz:
Fortunately my wee error happened on the second day when the first pass went with the grain down over the right side of the 'tache zone. Now just over one month into the handlebar attempt. On the plus side the hairs are mostly thick, dark and wiry but I'm let down by density. I was always told I was dense but alas, it seems its not true. I know Movember is for charity and all that but I'd need Moctober, Movember and Mocember to put together a decent attempt! See these lucky buggers with two weeks of growth that resembles a deep shag pile......well that ain't me. Hmph!

P.S. I propose we re-christen Pig Cat as the PIRATE CAPTAIN....!

Two and a half days since shaving the top lip. Can't see it that well with my wife using my crap phone camera.

15 hours since the rest of the face shaved.
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