Merkur Query?

What do you think of this one, worth bidding at the last moment?
Vintage Gillette Aluminium Tech S4 (1972) Razor, BRAND NEW!
I have exactly the same razor..this will totally suit your needs..using the right blade combo, a lovely non aggressive razor, tiny little thing, but gives superb shaves..i personally like non aggressive razors,..ok an aggressive razor (example Muhle R41) which i own, will cut your beard maybe in 2 passes.because of the open comb but.. because i'm still learning my technique i enjoy the 3 pass system, but that doesn't mean you will need a 3 pass shave you may only need 2passes the main thing for me, is the enjoyment of DE shaving,as i've said before Shaving should be a Enjoyable thing not a horrible experience, i wouldn't even dream of using SE /shavette, because i'm happy and get perfectly superb BBS no irritation shaves with my so called non aggressive razors.. it works for me mate..the Gillette Tech will be brilliant for you..go for it you won't regret control your shaving technique not the razor, any razor can be aggressive it's all in the user's technique..Regards. Barry.:)
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I have exactly the same razor..this will totally suit your needs..using the right blade combo, a lovely non aggressive razor, tiny little thing, but gives superb shaves..i personally like non aggressive razors,..ok an aggressive razor (example Muhle R41) which i own, will cut your beard maybe in 2 passes.because of the open comb but.. because i'm still learning my technique i enjoy the 3 pass system, but that doesn't mean you will need a 3 pass shave you may only need 2passes the main thing for me, is the enjoyment of DE shaving,as i've said before Shaving should be a Enjoyable thing not a horrible experience, i wouldn't even dream of using SE /shavette, because i'm happy and get perfectly superb BBS no irritation shaves with my so called non aggressive razors.. it works for me mate..the Gillette Tech will be brilliant for you..go for it you won't regret control your shaving technique not the razor, any razor can be aggressive it's all in the user's technique..Regards. Barry.:)
It's gone beyond getting rid of whiskers. It's a hobby now :)
Take a breath & let the advice sink in.
It can be a little overwhelming, and the last thing you need right now is another razor
to further complicate matters.
Try & keep it simple, it's a shave not brain surgery;
Stick with the feather popular (or tech when it arrives), pick 1 tuck of blades, any brand.
Same for a soap,. my recommendation is Palmolive stick (50p in tescos) or body shop macca root (£3/tube).
Shave every other day & keep going until the tuck of blades is finished.
On the non-shave days watch a YouTube video from PaulH, Mantic59 or our very own kevy shaves.
& practice lathering, use your palm and feel the added slickness as you gradually add the water and keep going until it gets too thin & breaks down. This taught me a lot,. I wasn't loading the brush properly & my lather was way too thin. Also learnt not to beat the lather like a merengue, let the brush do the work, gentle swirls; it's an soap-water emulsion you are trying to create & air bubbles aren't good.

Good shaves (for me) require
- prep, I always have a shower & wash my face with a glycerine based face wash (£1 lidl , I'm a classy guy) before getting in the shower, don't rinse face wash leave the suds and let the shower rinse it off. The extra contact time with the wash really does seem to help.
- practise, no pressure. Watch some videos & practice your grip. The lighter your touch the better the blade will work whilst concentrating on keeping a consistent head angle. This is a bit like learning to drive, seems impossible at first, then it will click & you'll wonder how you made such a meal out of it!
- time, don't rush & map you beard growth.
Don't forget to enjoy it!
Cold water splash, dash of witch hazel from boots chemist, job done!
Please, try that for a month, as with all new things it will ebb & flow.
Too much choice before the basics are nailed will only frustrate.
Give it a chance.
Take a breath & let the advice sink in.
It can be a little overwhelming, and the last thing you need right now is another razor
to further complicate matters.
Try & keep it simple, it's a shave not brain surgery;
Stick with the feather popular (or tech when it arrives), pick 1 tuck of blades, any brand.
Same for a soap,. my recommendation is Palmolive stick (50p in tescos) or body shop macca root (£3/tube).
Shave every other day & keep going until the tuck of blades is finished.
On the non-shave days watch a YouTube video from PaulH, Mantic59 or our very own kevy shaves.
& practice lathering, use your palm and feel the added slickness as you gradually add the water and keep going until it gets too thin & breaks down. This taught me a lot,. I wasn't loading the brush properly & my lather was way too thin. Also learnt not to beat the lather like a merengue, let the brush do the work, gentle swirls; it's an soap-water emulsion you are trying to create & air bubbles aren't good.

Good shaves (for me) require
- prep, I always have a shower & wash my face with a glycerine based face wash (£1 lidl , I'm a classy guy) before getting in the shower, don't rinse face wash leave the suds and let the shower rinse it off. The extra contact time with the wash really does seem to help.
- practise, no pressure. Watch some videos & practice your grip. The lighter your touch the better the blade will work whilst concentrating on keeping a consistent head angle. This is a bit like learning to drive, seems impossible at first, then it will click & you'll wonder how you made such a meal out of it!
- time, don't rush & map you beard growth.
Don't forget to enjoy it!
Cold water splash, dash of witch hazel from boots chemist, job done!
Please, try that for a month, as with all new things it will ebb & flow.
Too much choice before the basics are nailed will only frustrate.
Give it a chance.
Good advice here Thank you, and it will not be lost in the mire of posts that provide
good advice on shaving. I have copied it and put it into a Word document,
I will go through all previous posts and select the posts that covered the shaving routine
like you have here Regards Andy
Good advice here Thank you, and it will not be lost in the mire of posts that provide
good advice on shaving. I have copied it and put it into a Word document,
I will go through all previous posts and select the posts that covered the shaving routine
like you have here Regards Andy
You have been given some great advice here. If you watch a few of geofatboy's razor reviews on what you quickly appreciate is that every razor he demonstrates is pretty effective because his technique is so well-developed and he instinctively adapts his technique to the instrument he's using. He knows how to prep his face, how to get the lather right and how to guide the razor in the right direction in relation to the beard growth on his face, adjusting his stroke length, pressure and blade angle accordingly. The old saying about a bad workman blaming his tools comes to mind! :)
You have been given some great advice here. If you watch a few of geofatboy's razor reviews on what you quickly appreciate is that every razor he demonstrates is pretty effective because his technique is so well-developed and he instinctively adapts his technique to the instrument he's using. He knows how to prep his face, how to get the lather right and how to guide the razor in the right direction in relation to the beard growth on his face, adjusting his stroke length, pressure and blade angle accordingly. The old saying about a bad workman blaming his tools comes to mind! :)
Thanks for that it's a new one on me....
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