Menthol Soaps for a Review

Some of you may know that I post on a blog ( ) between me and the owner of the site we try to keep a steady flow of posts for your enjoyment.

I would like to do an in depth review on some menthol soaps. I propose that you add your favourite menthol soap here - please only 3 as a maximum.

I will then take the top 5 from all entries across this forum and a couple of others and do an in depth review of them all together in search for the best summer menthol soap out there!
Ingram, yes it's a cream but then what is a cream if not soap with water added?
I didn't buy any of the so called artisan stuff as I need to finish some stuff first but I did try Nanny's ICE and slice which is wonderful.
Here's a couple I'd like to see reviewed:
Kramperts frostbite
Stirling Margarita's In The Arctic
Nanny's Silly Soap Ice & A Slice
It is funny the difference in soap recommendations here compared to the U.S. Site this is on. I must say Ingrams is a popular choice here. There's seems to be Kramperts Frostbite currently.

Keep it up!
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