Manuka honey

Ben88 said:
I have also been prescribed Lanzoprazole to reduce my stomach acid. My issue is when I get an 'attack' if you wish to call it that it feels like something is trapped in my oesophagus, I cannot swallow, eat or drink. Sometimes it passes on its own in anything from seconds to hours. Twice now I have had to be admitted to hospital, once for an endoscopy and the second time it was cured with large amounts of buscopan and diazipam. Both times I have been incredibly dehydrated obviously.

I am very fortunate that the price of the honey is of no concern. I can afford it and if it ever got into a situation where I couldn't then I would substitute something else in my lifestyle to pay for it. My health is more important.

I have a condition called Eosinophilic Oesophagitis which gives me symptoms very similar to yours Ben. I too have had to be admitted a couple of times because the oesophagus has gone into spasm.
I've not had an attack for about 5 years now as I take Lansoprazole daily to counter the acid reflux which triggers the spasm.
It's only been discovered as a condition in the last 10 years or so and is not well known so, If you haven't been diagnosed with the condition, it may be worth checking with your Dr.

@antdad - I contracted it when I was pretty fit and <11st at 5'9"
I'm following this with interest as although I don't get classic heartburn, I do wake up at least once a fortnight with a burning esophagus from reflux. Ive noticed a link with fatty meat/spices and lager (not ale) but I love a pepperoni pizza and usually 2 rennie sorts the problem.

Although I'm erm big boned :blush: myself, my mother used to suffer terribly from heartburn and had a good 4-5 a day rennie habit, and she was quite a slight woman.
gazza said:
I'm following this with interest as although I don't get classic heartburn, I do wake up at least once a fortnight with a burning esophagus from reflux. Ive noticed a link with fatty meat/spices and lager (not ale) but I love a pepperoni pizza and usually 2 rennie sorts the problem.

Although I'm erm big boned :blush: myself, my mother used to suffer terribly from heartburn and had a good 4-5 a day rennie habit, and she was quite a slight woman.

I also take a good swig of Peptac before bed every night to put a layer over the oesophagus as, unsurprisingly, being horizontal helps the acid escape the stomach.
gazza said:
I'm following this with interest as although I don't get classic heartburn, I do wake up at least once a fortnight with a burning esophagus from reflux. Ive noticed a link with fatty meat/spices and lager (not ale) but I love a pepperoni pizza and usually 2 rennie sorts the problem.

Although I'm erm big boned :blush: myself, my mother used to suffer terribly from heartburn and had a good 4-5 a day rennie habit, and she was quite a slight woman.

I was on packs of Rennie and had enough of waking up with acid problems in the middle of the night so I went to the docs. I found pastry was one of the worse things along with curry. I've learnt to cut the pastry down and never to eat any too late at night.

I am 5ft 8" and 12 1/2 stone so about a stone over. That said we eat a varied diet with plenty of veg.
Northam Saint said:
gazza said:
I'm following this with interest as although I don't get classic heartburn, I do wake up at least once a fortnight with a burning esophagus from reflux. Ive noticed a link with fatty meat/spices and lager (not ale) but I love a pepperoni pizza and usually 2 rennie sorts the problem.

Although I'm erm big boned :blush: myself, my mother used to suffer terribly from heartburn and had a good 4-5 a day rennie habit, and she was quite a slight woman.

I was on packs of Rennie and had enough of waking up with acid problems in the middle of the night so I went to the docs. I found pastry was one of the worse things along with curry. I've learnt to cut the pastry down and never to eat any too late at night.

I am 5ft 8" and 12 1/2 stone so about a stone over. That said we eat a varied diet with plenty of veg.

Pastry...yep that's another one!

problem is I also love a pasty.
Antdad - I'm a very healthy chap mate. Regular gym goer, 6,2 and weigh 12 stone with low body fat.

OMP, that's really interesting. It is not a condition that has been mentioned before. I am due to see my doctor who carried out the endoscopy in a few weeks so will mention that to him then.

I will add that these 'attacks' only come on whilst eating.
I suffered from quite severe acid reflux been down all the treatment routes barium meals endoscopy and the usually line of drugs and treatments, my Doctor even prescribe me triple drug therapy for a bug which can cause acid reflux and stomach ulcers called ( Helicobacter pylori) and there's only one drug that delivers Omeprozole one 20mg capsule in the morning and I have not had a single attack in over two years brilliant this use to be a pain for me but I'm now reflux free. I eat and drink what I like but still stay away from foods that would spark it such as a slightly uncooked piece of pastry tomato soup.
Re: RE: Manuka honey

pugh-the-special-one said:
I suffered from quite severe acid reflux been down all the treatment routes barium meals endoscopy and the usually line of drugs and treatments, my Doctor even prescribe me triple drug therapy for a bug which can cause acid reflux and stomach ulcers called ( Helicobacter pylori) and there's only one drug that delivers Omeprozole one 20mg capsule in the morning and I have not had a single attack in over two years brilliant this use to be a pain for me but I'm now reflux free. I eat and drink what I like but still stay away from foods that would spark it such as a slightly uncooked piece of pastry tomato soup.
Omeprazole is a such an important drug in pharmacy as is lanzoprazole, lining the stomach is essential with the multitude of drugs being taken on today's 'prescribe to fix' market. A few things to consider; do you eat breakfast? How long do you take to eat your meals? Do you have three meals a day? How long from when dinner is consumed are your lying flat in bed? Also it is vital if taking ibuprofen to have it after or with a fatty meal, otherwise it can harm your stomach lining.

Peptac has been mentioned earlier, which made me smile as it's a cheap version of Gaviscon. This means the public aren't being sold the arse off branded products but being given alternatives at half the price! If you do go for Gaviscon ask for the 500ml bottle, usually being in the dispensary much better value than the 150 and 300ml. You can also get Gaviscon on prescription.

Also if anyone is on statins, (simvastatin, atorvastatin etc) and getting muscle pains again a product exists that actually helps with this. Name doesn't come to mind right now but will remember later and put it up.
pugh-the-special-one said:
I suffered from quite severe acid reflux been down all the treatment routes barium meals endoscopy and the usually line of drugs and treatments, my Doctor even prescribe me triple drug therapy for a bug which can cause acid reflux and stomach ulcers called ( Helicobacter pylori) and there's only one drug that delivers Omeprozole one 20mg capsule in the morning and I have not had a single attack in over two years brilliant this use to be a pain for me but I'm now reflux free. I eat and drink what I like but still stay away from foods that would spark it such as a slightly uncooked piece of pastry tomato soup.

Tomato plays me up even with my medication. I had an Italian once with a rich tomato sauce, I was up all night with acid. I do eat tomato but just make I give it plenty of time to digest and avoid too much.
Re: RE: Manuka honey

Northam Saint said:
pugh-the-special-one said:
I suffered from quite severe acid reflux been down all the treatment routes barium meals endoscopy and the usually line of drugs and treatments, my Doctor even prescribe me triple drug therapy for a bug which can cause acid reflux and stomach ulcers called ( Helicobacter pylori) and there's only one drug that delivers Omeprozole one 20mg capsule in the morning and I have not had a single attack in over two years brilliant this use to be a pain for me but I'm now reflux free. I eat and drink what I like but still stay away from foods that would spark it such as a slightly uncooked piece of pastry tomato soup.

Tomato plays me up even with my medication. I had an Italian once with a rich tomato sauce, I was up all night with acid. I do eat tomato but just make I give it plenty of time to digest and avoid too much.
Cucumber is another common one, if soaked in vinegar and dill apparently becomes fine.
Re: RE: Manuka honey

Ben88 said:
Antdad - I'm a very healthy chap mate. Regular gym goer, 6,2 and weigh 12 stone with low body fat.

OMP, that's really interesting. It is not a condition that has been mentioned before. I am due to see my doctor who carried out the endoscopy in a few weeks so will mention that to him then.

I will add that these 'attacks' only come on whilst eating.
Interesting. I also only ever got mine during eating. Usually during a really nice meal as well[emoji26]
Ben88 said:
Same here! The amount of meals out at restaurants I've had to have re plated/heated or just left altogether.

I'm going to start drinking more milk also.

Do not start drinking more milk also do not take antacid over the counter relief get yourself off to the Doctor and demand you be given Omeprozole this advice is coming from someone who's been there and got the T-shirt, Omeprezole are Proton pump Inhibitors they work by calibrating the pump that pushes acid into your stomach via your gall bladder, If you produce to much acid then you will need to take these drugs.
pugh-the-special-one said:
Ben88 said:
Same here! The amount of meals out at restaurants I've had to have re plated/heated or just left altogether.

I'm going to start drinking more milk also.

Do not start drinking more milk also do not take antacid over the counter relief get yourself off to the Doctor and demand you be given Omeprozole this advice is coming from someone who's been there and got the T-shirt, Omeprezole are Proton pump Inhibitors they work by calibrating the pump that pushes acid into your stomach via your gall bladder, If you produce to much acid then you will need to take these drugs.

Very wise advice to all Antacids don't cure the problem they just stop the discomfort. I've been much better since I started taking Lansoprazole, if I miss one though boy do I know it.
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