Lost and found!

New Forest, England.
About 10.30 last night I realised my wallet and cards etc were missing. Searched the house and car without success. I phoned and put a stop on my credit card, left the rest until this morning. Woke with a start having dreamt I found it, I was having my morning cuppa at 4.30 with no cricket.

The only place I could have lost it was on my way back from the village post office late yesterday afternoon.

At 6.45am Fido pops down to pick up his morning paper (no deliveries here!) Wandered over to the post office counter. Looked down, had a rummage among a box full of wrapping paper.

Dreams do come true.

There it was sitting at the bottom of the box of Christmas wrapping paper.

Of out for breakfast in Southampton. No need to bother the banks.
Nice to hear a happy ending, I can imagine that sinking feeling when you believe you have lost all your cards and the hassle of canceling and watching the accounts for any odd transactions, the elation when you found in that box would be great.

Put a lotto ticket on; your luck seems to be in Fido.
That has saved you a lot of faffing about!

Nice one.

I'd be a bit worried about the Poltergeist you have in the house though.

PM Ollie, he should be able to see you right.
I regularly lose my wallet. Usually I find it somewhere in the house within a couple of days. Once I was sure it really had gone, stopped everything and got a new one. It must have been six months later when I found it wedged down the side of the mattress.
Nice bit of bad luck to good luck there Fido.

    • I swore I'd lost my work keys a couple of weeks back. I was 99% sure I took them with me when I left the flat in the morning, but couldn't find them when I got to the office and needed to unlock the door. Very important keys, somewhere between one end of town and the other - on a bus? at a bus stop? on the short walk to or from a bus stop and home / the office?
      • Somehow I had left them in the nurses' station on my way through from signing-in ...
            • I felt such a relief - and such a prat.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Back home!

I'm pleased I only cancelled my credit card last night. I was able to use my debit card to buy an Apple Magic Mouse today.

I returned to the scene of the crime this afternoon. Fished around the box my wallet had fallen into and found three pens. But no other wallets.

I've also removed 14 items like Rail cards, library tickets, and other rarely used passes/cards.

Sometimes it's good to have a wake up call.
Pig Cat said:
I regularly lose my wallet. Usually I find it somewhere in the house within a couple of days. Once I was sure it really had gone, stopped everything and got a new one. It must have been six months later when I found it wedged down the side of the mattress.
You sleep with your wallet?
cheese_dave said:
Pig Cat said:
I regularly lose my wallet. Usually I find it somewhere in the house within a couple of days. Once I was sure it really had gone, stopped everything and got a new one. It must have been six months later when I found it wedged down the side of the mattress.
You sleep with your wallet?

Yip thats what he was doing, sleeping with it honest :roll:
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