Local Pottery Bowls

1. Northam Saint<br />
2. Tall_Paul<br />
3. TonyC<br />
4. Nico1970<br />
5.mbnu54<br />
6. Uncle Bertie<br />
<br />
7. Ollie9091
Look really great. Thanks.<br/>
1. Northam Saint
2. Tall_Paul
3. TonyC
4. Nico1970
6. Uncle Bertie
7. Ollie9091
8. Mr_Smartepants
9. Celtic67
10 Jim3rg.
11 Globalm
12. Electrif
13. bede731

I would love one of these bowls. Thanks for organising
1. Northam Saint
2. Tall_Paul
3. TonyC
4. Nico1970
6. Uncle Bertie
7. Ollie9091
8. Mr_Smartepants
9. Celtic67
10 Jim3rg.
11 Globalm
12. Electrif
13. bede731
14. Mikebrownington

Thanks for the efforts - can I have one too please :)
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