Keep cutting myself in the same place

Evening people
Only been my third shave with a DE, I keep nicking myself on my neck sort of online with my chin but further down,

My technique is too wash my face with an exfoliating wash, then I later up my cream and apply to my face, I then start with down strokes working my way down each part of my face, I then re later up and try and do the against the grain, but I am struggling a little with this,
And finally I am finding the razor isn't removing the hair as easily on the side bits of my chin, compared to the sides of my face.
Thank you in advance for any advice
I haven't been shaving too long and I'm sure some more experienced members will be along soon to offer some advice. I find the neck and jaw areas are the areas I have issues with if I'm doing things wrong as they are most likely the most sensitive.

The jaw problem maybe due to angle as it isn't flat like your cheeks. What you can do is shave the cheek area and then using your free hand lift your cheek skin up so that the skin on this jaw area is brought up a little and then shave it which may help.

You also mentioned your second pass against the grain. Maybe an across the grain second pass may help also.

Its only your third shave stick with it, I still nick myself now and again. I worry more about discomfort rather than nicks. Remember this is different to cartridge shaving you let the weight of the razor do the work, you don't need to push it against your skin just let it rest on it.
Do a bit more prep...either hot shower or hot towel to soften/hydrate the beard AND try another downward or across the grain pass before attempting one against the grain.
Okay thanks for the replies, just felt a bit, I dunno.. Hopeless, It seems I was expecting to do the shave in less passes then I expected, perhaps trying to run before I can walk, so the razor should rest on my skin and then the weight takes it down?
Have you checked the way your hair grows on the neck. Going down on the neck for me is against the grain which is a big no no on the first and second pass. Also you may want to try a different make of blade.
I would say keep an eye on the angle. The chin/neck area is a tuff one at first. Go slow with short strokes and keep an eye on the angle on pressure. Its easy to follow the chin and make the angle too steep and drag the blade.
Is it the same nick that you're catching and re-opening or a different nick each time? Depending how bad the nick is you might have to avoid shaving that area for a couple of days a it's easy to catch it until it's healed properly.

By the way, after only three shaves nicks and irritation can still be very common. It can take many many shaves to get everything dialled in. I'm just coming up to the 12 month mark and can finally say I'm getting consistent comfortable close shaves. But it's well worth the wait.
Thanks for the replies, it's more of a weeping area, I will try again in a few days, let it grow a little and then try to just go slower and shorter strokes
Yes none of those long sweeping strokes from ear to navel Gillette cartridge style, you're shaving without stabilisers so you have to use shorter ones then when you're up to speed you can go no hands.
This was my starter razor and is still being used to this day I find if I go from left to right before atg I dont nick myself as my neck hair is hard to trace
I can't compare to any other except Mr Gillette fusion, but I like the weight and feel of this, just want to get these issues ironed out
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