Karve Christoper Bradley Plate Comparison


As I've just got myself a Christopher Bradley Daily Shaver Kit I thought I would post a review or the razor and the comparison of the plates I've selected. I'll shave with each plate for 3 consecutive days (starting tomorrow), before posting my thoughts and loading a new blade in with the next plate.


I've opted for plates E and F with a solid bar and plate D with an open comb, so I'm expecting some pretty efficient shaves. I have the 3 1/2" handle and the wider cap to cover the blade tabs. I'll use a new Shark SS with each plate and stick to the same brush and software.



The razor itself is beautifully built. Really tactile and it fits together perfectly and smoothly. The finishing really is top notch, so I'm hoping for some fantastic shaves. I'll start with the SB - E tomorrow and update here after the 3rd shave.

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So I'm 3 shaves in.

First of all, my impressions of the razor in general. It's really, really well made. Everything fits easily and perfectly. The has a nice weight to it. The handle is super grippy. Once it's wet and warm you can really smell the brass! With the cap I've selected the blade tabs are covered. The angle is easy to find and it's really intuitive to use.

To compare the plates I'm sticking to the below kit. 3 shaves for each plate, and a new blade for each plate:

Preshave - Wright's Traditional Soap
Blade - Shark SS
Brush - Highlander TSR LE 2023 (Walnut and Boar)
Lather - Cup Of Leftovers
Splash - Boots Freshwood
SB - E Plate


This plate really reminds me of my R41 GS, albeit a little smoother. I was using my Rockwell 6S on plate R5 the previous week, and this is more efficient than that. Much like my Executive Shaving Outlaw.

It's very efficient and very smooth. Not aggressive. I've had 3 wonderful shaves. Two passes to BBS with no irritation or discomfort.

This is a very good start and I'm really impressed.

The lather washes out easily too, which is a bonus.


I'm moving onto the OC - D plate tomorrow, which Karve suggests is on par with this one efficency-wise, but with a different feel. I'll update with my thoughts after 3 shaves.
OC-D Plate


Very interesting. I've had 3 amazing shaves with this one. It has a little more blade feel than the SB - E, as I would expect, but is just as smooth and a little more efficient. I think that in this combination this is probably my favorite razor (so far). It's done the unthinkable and overtaken my R41 (I think....). I honestly can't fault it at all!

SB - F next. Let's see what that brings.
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SB - F Plate


Well, this is a step up. More aggressive and louder too! You could easily get away with one pass with this plate. Still very smooth, but that can give you a false sense of security. I did cut myself the first time I used it as I turned it round on my skin. I'm not sure I would want to try the G Plate. This one gets your face utterly smooth , and it stays that way for a long time.

Very, very effective.

This is a fantastic razor. Maybe the best I've used. It looks great and is very well made. It works really well, and with the choice of handles, plates, caps and materials everyone should be able to find their perfect set up. The sets you can buy with a variety of plates are a great idea.

I found my perfect set up: OC - D, Long Handle, Wide Cap - Perfection! As efficient as an R41, as smooth as an R89.

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