Just joined

Stopping by to say hello. Not got a good DE yet only just started using a Wilkington Sword cheapy one from Boots but formulating a plan of action with eye on Muhle R89 and Bodyshop brush and maybe Maccaroot cream or TOBs avocado cream.

Thanks for the warm welcome :)

Don't really want to hurt any badgers and hear they don't smell too great. Price of the Bodyshop brush seems ok too.
I felt much the same as you when I first got into DE shaving, but am now an unashamed badger fan. My reasoning is thus:

As I understand it, Chinese farmers will continue to trap wild badgers as they are a threat to their crops and therefore their livelihoods whether the hair is used for shaving brushes or not (the European badger as seen on Springwatch and the like is protected and not made into brushes). On that basis, it seems sensible to me to respect the creature by using the hair rather than wasting it. Plus, whether we buy the brush or not, the badger is already dead.

An alternative may be a horsehair brush from somewhere like Gifts&Care, as the hair is obtained through grooming. I have no personal experience with horsehair brushes, but other members here do and can advise on which model(s) would be best suited to your needs.
Thanks chris. Was thinking maybe they were destroyed anyhow...

Any recommendations for one should I go the 'b' route? Cheers.
geezer said:
Thanks chris. Was thinking maybe they were destroyed anyhow...

Any recommendations for one should I go the 'b' route? Cheers.

Andrew ("Canuck" hereabouts) always recommends the Edwin Jagger black badger. Others like the Vulfix Grosvenor 404, but that's a mix of badger and bristle, which is boar hair, opening up yet another can of worms potentially. For me, New Forest brushes, made by our very own "Fido", are superb brushes for the price, but you may want to go for something a little cheaper than his offerings. Others like the (Chinese? American?) "Frank Shaving" brushes, though availability in this country (I presume your British) is something I'm not sure of.
Welcome to TSR, may I recommend you take a look at Portugal Online who you can find in the vendors section. They have a 10% discount also WELOVETSR, they stock some great Semogue brushes and super fast delivery. Or one of Fido's excellent New Forest at an incredible price for a superb brush.
Thanks for the welcome and for the recommendations Chris and Speedy. Was thinking about trying something different from my Fusion for last couple of years and considered the purist cut-throat razor and didn't even think about the DE razor my dad used to use when I was very young. Nice to have control over how you shave as the cartridges encourage pressure (Fusion anyhow) which really says to me they aren't 'cutting' the mustard (excuse the attempt at humour - very tired after a night shift) :)
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