July 2022 Acquisitions

The dixie brothers as I call them have landed from an antique store in Alabama. Both razors were manufactured in 1959 in the USA with one being a first quarter and the other being a third quarter. I would have liked twins from the same quarter but I’m happy with what I have. I imagine their providence is something like the lines below.

It’s a hot and steamy end to the summer in 1959 in rural Alabama. A young man, 16 years old needs to start shaving. His Grandfather takes him out to buy his first razor. They jump in the parents’ 57 Chevvy and cruise down to Mom & Pops General Store. The radio is playing Donna by Ritchie Valens and the store smells of a little bit of everything that makes it comforting.

On the counter are two Gillette razors. A red tip and a blue tip. The old man advises the young man to get both. That way he will always have a choice as his face and beard changes over time. Also not to worry, as if he looks after them they will last a lifetime.

The store owner then introduces the young man to a brand-new aftershave just released this year called Tabac. He winks when he says that the young man’s very own Donna will love him after a shave if he smells like that……………………………….

……………………………………………………….. Fast forward to 2022 and a middle age chubby bald bloke in Yorkshire is looking forward to his first shaves with the razors, listening to Ritchie Valens while shaving (with Tabac of course). He has named the blue tip Donna and the red tip Ritchie.

He must have read your request the day before you posted it.
For some reason, post between Glasgow and Cornwall or Devon is quick and reliable. A normal first class small parcel or letter gets there overnight almost always. Whereas, I sent something to Lothian recently and it took twice as long. I could get a train there in an hour. Go figure? - I.
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