Irving Barber Co (IBC) Shavette

Monday February 9, 2015
These guys did it a bit differently and bypassed crowdfunding sites all together and spent two years working on this razor. It's mostly maybe a razor "by barbers for barbers" but thought I'd post it here as there might be some interest here as well for something like this.


Video showing off the razor:

They have a bunch of images showing the progression of how this razor came to be on their instagram feed at

The razor will go on pre-sale this Friday (Nov 30th) over at and will cost $69

Disclaimer: I don't know these guys and have no stake in their razors. I just rather like how it looks and they seem to be good guys from the interactions I've had with them.
Looks cheaply made to me and I'm with Joe - that button will get in the way at some stage. If you want to shave with a cut down DE there are cheaper options available and the reason that Feather/Kai etc. are classed as a step up - is because they are.
Oh I agree, there's a marked difference in the perceived quality of the items we're talking about, but one is a purely functional device made to hold whatever blades the barber may have to hand (or indeed prefer) to cut down on the number of razors he needs, the other is a quality piece of art.

I guess it's the difference between a Bentley Continental GT and a top spec Toyota Avensis. Both will do the job of ferrying people around, but the Toyota you'd happily take to the shops and leave in a car park, whereas the Bentley you'd have to call Farnsworth the butler to be on his guard wherever you all went :D
I have one of these on order. I should get it by the end of the week. IBC assured me that the button does not get in the way during the shave.

I'm hoping this will make a good replacement for my Dorko shavette, which also takes Injector/mini hair shaper blades. It gives a great shave, but the plating loss drives me nuts.



Shavettes that use DE blades are for lining the back of the neck and a person's sideburns. They aren't designed for full face shaving (even though I know people have used them for that).
Many half DE shavettes have nubs in just the right place to position an injector blade:




This method does not work for FEATHER blades as you'd use in an Artist Club razor ... you need an Artist Club razor for that.
Interesting. I might have to give that a try one of these days. It would be the only way to turn a Sanguine Coolcut 4 into a decent razor. IMO
Interesting. I might have to give that a try one of these days. It would be the only way to turn a Sanguine Coolcut 4 into a decent razor. IMO

Oh I think the only way to improve my Sanguine R-something is to toss it in the bin.
I might have done that actually...can't remember. Oh I hated that thing.
I think I tried to give mine away at the Seattle Shave Con. I didn't get any takers.
...This method does not work for FEATHER blades as you'd use in an Artist Club razor ... you need an Artist Club razor for that.
...Or the IBC razor under discussion in this thread. ;)
I contacted the owner and while the Company has a International button on the shop page, that doesn't work yet but should in a few weeks, although that might be a bit longer as it seems the first batch has sold out (it was only a small batch). Lucky me I got the owner to send me one via email contact but I had to settle for one without the box to keep shipping costs down. I have no personal connection with Ricky and paid for my razor.

I was surprised after unpacking the razor about the balance, looks and weight. One thing that I noticed immediately was that if you want to keep it shiny on a display you better be prepared to wipe it off thoroughly after each use, every fingerprint shows. There is mention of other colors and materials in the future so that could be a better choice for the regular user, I don't think a barber will mind about that so much and this razor was developed with barbers in mind in the first place.

Very nice curves to this shavette, if I hold it next to my Feather DX folding it show many similarity's in thickness and curves but certainly isn't a copy of it. It falls into my hands just like the DX and while I like the long tang of the Feather I didn't mind the rather short one on the IBC, I'm not even sure a longer one would be better or advisable. Same thing about jimps, difficult to say if it would improve the razor, didn't miss them but maybe they should make a model with jimps as I suspect the regular user might like them.

Certainly a plus is the fact that you can use either a half DE blade, a Feather/Kai/Dorco single blade and a injector blade! Out of the 3 possibility's the Feather/Kai/Dorco ones are my favorites (but I shave most often with those so no surprise there). You can watch the video to see how the razor is opened and the blades placed inside, first few times you have to keep your attention, not that it's difficult at all just a bit different then other shavettes.

There are little magnets that keep the blades in place and if you use a DE blade broken in half there are two little spaces where the two curved ends of the broken blade fit into so it doesn't interfere with closing up the razor.

The knob, first thing I thought I wouldn't like, surprise .... it doesn't get in the way during shaving at all, obviously they thought this out really well! I always change hands for the different halves of my face and head and no problems there either.

It's too early to give a real review, I might do so after a month of two of use. I've shaved for 40+ years now, mostly twice a day to keep the bamboo at bay with DE's, SE's, straights and shavettes and have tried a really long list of different ones but have kept only a small portion of them that I really like. This one might just make it into the short list.

But even 40+ years is nothing compared to what a barber does so I took the IBC to a Turkish barber in my city and let him work with it. Those guys are magicians with a shavette! Unbelievable to watch. He used it on several customers and liked it a lot, wanted to keep it but no luck there

Looking forward to what the company might bring on the market in the future, a red one to go with my Plisson Ferrari Red brush would be nice.






Great review @Snuff, if I hadn't already bought one of these, you would have convinced me to give it a try. :)

The first run of these was 150 razors. I don't know how many was ordered for the second run, but it's probably safe to say it will be the same amount or higher.

Edit: Just got off the phone with Ricky. The first part of the first order was 110 razors, the second part just came in, another 600 razors. The chrome models will be available again in a couple weeks, and some of that shipment will be reserved for colors, engraving, etc. to be released after the holidays. He said he's had a number of requests for 'red' razors. Something about barbers liking 'flashy' tools. ;)

Going forward, the packaging will be more international shipping friendly, a leatherette button/snap flap storage pouch. The 'box' is a thing of the past.
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Yesterday evening and this morning another two very pleasurable shaves with the IBC.

The makers advice to only use DE blades for cutting the edges of one hair like in the neck but I can asure you that a complete head and face shave with a DE blade is very well possible.

A tip for those who might find the razor a bit to slippery (I don't have any problems with it): Just run your fingers over a alum block before picking it up and your good to go.

I did find one area where a improvement could be made: The pivot screw is very difficult to use, a normal screwdriver doesn't fit in there (too shallow), I had to use the back of a small kitchen knife to tighten it up.
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