
A most excelllent BBS shave this morning - Da Vinci Uomo and Murdock's with a Gillette Rubie (2) in my DLC Weber, Sade whispering sweet nothings in my ear, Alcool Glacial and 3P again to finish - needed a few squirts of Givency pour Homme to round it off.

Paul - freezing cold but not on strike, obviously, and sans recently acquired moustache - just brought me a medium sized box which turned out to contain a bottle of C&S Dark Rose. I just had to squirt some onto the backs of my hands - it is its usual devine self.

Combined with the Givency pour Homme, however, it and they become utterly heady, intoxicating, magnificent. I so hope I'm in a similar mood tomorrow morning so I can do it all again!
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