Ingrown hair crisis

Ok so maybe I was a bit premature. I declared my long running ingrown/folliculitis problem cured by a switch to de shaving, but the problem continues.

I have declared war on the problem, which severely blights my neck area and makes shaving difficult unsightly and painful. It is a real problem.

I have one question - I have started using aspirin paste and got some "nads ingrown solution" from boots. (Ok its supposed to be for ladies legs but its called "nads" so, well, come on).

Anyway my question is Should I apply these before or after shaving ? ?
Thankfully I don't have this problem but what I've learnt from Mantics video is that the aspirin paste is something you apply until your ingrown is sorted and isn't really a pre or post shave thing.

Hope that helps a little, I'm sure someone that suffers with the same problem can help you a bit more will post shortly.
for me the best thing which worked was time.

I started giving almost 4-5 days between shaves and would use fresh blades for each shave with only two passes wtg and atg
The skin if given time heals itself properly
After shaving if you require treatment or "time to heal" you are simply shaving too close or too hard, period.

No ATG or even XTG, stick with two WTG passes only until things improve.
When I get the odd one I've always found "tend" very good. It contains salysylic acid which is why mantic talks about aspirin.

It's a liquid so it's very easy to apply.
Thanks for the advice guys. I think 'tend' sounds very similar to this "nad's" stuff. Never heard of magic powder, can you get that in the uk ?

I am tempted to post a photo to show how severe my problem is but it would gross you out. I currently have about 15 bumps on my neck, one is infected and the others have been cut open by the blade. Not nice.


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If your problem is severe, unsightly and painful as you say then the first thing you need to do is stop shaving and forget all these powders and potions

Go and see your G.P. to rule out anything that can be treated by prescription medication or possibly needs referral to a dermatologist.

Once that's done then look at your shaving technique.
cubert said:
If your problem is severe, unsightly and painful as you say then the first thing you need to do is stop shaving and forget all these powders and potions

Go and see your G.P. to rule out anything that can be treated by prescription medication or possibly needs referral to a dermatologist.

Once that's done then look at your shaving technique.

Seriously? I tried that route on and off for 20 years - other than the wasted time on appointments, collecting prescriptions, travel to the dermotology dept at the hospital, etc and the wasted cash on razors with ever increasing number of blades, more varieties of canned gunge than I could shake a stick at, electric shavers and prescriptions - I got precisely nowhere. Same angry face and neck after shaving - so much so that it was a tradeoff between hating the beard that grew or hating the face ache after shaving.

Proper preparation, single bladed razor & WTG only saved the day. Even my GP was impressed with the change in less than a month (I bumped into him socially not long after starting this lark).
hunnymonster said:
cubert said:
If your problem is severe, unsightly and painful as you say then the first thing you need to do is stop shaving and forget all these powders and potions

Go and see your G.P. to rule out anything that can be treated by prescription medication or possibly needs referral to a dermatologist.

Once that's done then look at your shaving technique.

Seriously? I tried that route on and off for 20 years - other than the wasted time on appointments, collecting prescriptions, travel to the dermotology dept at the hospital, etc and the wasted cash on razors with ever increasing number of blades, more varieties of canned gunge than I could shake a stick at, electric shavers and prescriptions - I got precisely nowhere. Same angry face and neck after shaving - so much so that it was a tradeoff between hating the beard that grew or hating the face ache after shaving.

Proper preparation, single bladed razor & WTG only saved the day. Even my GP was impressed with the change in less than a month (I bumped into him socially not long after starting this lark).

Yes, seriously.

I'm sorry for your bad experience, but I stand by my point that the OP should seek a medical opinon before trying anything else. Especially when he's using the words 'folliculitis' and 'infected' to describe his problem, and already buying and using over the counter preperations.

If it was me, and it was severe and long running as the OP says it is I'd be wanting to rule out bacterial/fungal/viral issues before anything else.
I think the advice to see gp is a good and sensible suggestion. However In my case, i saw my gp a few years back. Prescribed some antibiotics and referred to a dermo, who gave more antibiotics, which didn't really help much. After a year on antibiotics I gave up and decided to concentrate on technique/shaving habits for a while instead.
Stop plugging that Johnus, especially as you've never used it.

Prevention or cure it's up to you, personally I'd prefer not to have to use a harsh chemical to alleviate ingrowns, so don't shave for a while and treat the condition either with aspirin or as you've bought it the NADS. Maybe you could trial both treatments and see what works but I wouldn't be shaving over the inflammed areas. What is your current routine and what products are you using btw?
Hmm. I have to say that powder looks nasty. I may as well scrub with Ajax (which I won't try).

At the mo I use ej89 with derby blades (also tried Gillette yellows) warm shower, lots of prep with warm wet brush and toobs cream. Then 2 passes wtg, although the grain on my neck goes in every possible direction. only been doing this for the past month though. Before that it was multi-blade hell for years.

Recently I have tried a boots botanics scrub in the shower. I was using Nivea aftershave, but stopped that in case it made things worse.
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