I need help too

My daughter bought one of my grandson's a laptop for Christmas. When switched on in the bottom right hand corner it says 'Windows 7 build 7600 This copy of windows is not genuine'. The Microsoft label on the back is also very faint and seems to have a matt finish, and is worn so that the bar code and any number that might have been there is illegible. It was the last one in the shop and was the display copy, but still.....
It also says that no audio output is installed.
Does this mean that a fake copy of window is installed? And if so what problems will that cause? Also, as regards the audio, does this mean that you can't get any sound unless speakers are installed?
I'm sure these are really basic questions, but I'm a really basic person when it comes to computers. Thanks in advance for any help, and I hope you all had a lovely Christmas yesterday; pretty chaotic here with two toddlers doing their worst, plus 6 bigger people.
It would appear to have a non-genuine copy of windows installed (badly). Back to the shop for restitution... (which I would suggest is a replacement that works, or they give you a Windows 7 installation DVD - with a genuine certificate of authenticity (the sticker)).

If no joy, Trading Standards (might be worth a call to them anyway so it's logged)
Make sure you get the windows disc and get the driver discs off them too (network cards, graphics cards etc)

I get so many people calling my work cos their wireless card isn't working, the only answer ends up being to re-install the driver and they never have the discs.

If you ask them for the discs they should oblige however HM may know more about whether they "have to" or not.
Well, they certainly have to make it fit for purpose... either by provision of the restore discs or the installation DVD (in either case, plus the required information to legitimately activate it). I personally wouldn't get too hung up about the driver discs, so long as they can get online to download them (eg. via a wired connection rather than wireless).... or make a refund (which may not be a bad idea at this stage, given some of the offers I've seen so far)
Thanks for the advice gents; I have written it all down for my daughter to go back to the shop with. A refund is definitely the preferred option, as we don't have much confidence in this shop now; I've never heard of a shop selling a PC with fake windows on it before.
Hi Sharon, I agree with HM take it back. Any goods sold have to be fit for purpose, that is law !! If she got it from one of the bigger retailers I would stand and shout until I got it replaced with a better one...........the " How do you think i felt on Christmas morning, you ruined my son's Christmas etc spoken very loudly in a shop usually wakes them up....... :D :D
If it was a refurb machine from a smaller retailer I would get your money back, You can still ask for this by law as well.
Without the COA sticker then M'soft will not validate the O/S.
Hope all goes well and keep us informed and if they have any problems the TSR boys will have to pay them a visit............if you know what I mean.. :twisted: :twisted:
soapalchemist said:
Thanks for the advice gents; I have written it all down for my daughter to go back to the shop with. A refund is definitely the preferred option, as we don't have much confidence in this shop now; I've never heard of a shop selling a PC with fake windows on it before.

Unfortunately I have been caught out with a "Genuine" copy of XP when it came out, all was well until I tried to update the thing then I just got a message saying "this copy of windows is not an genuine copy" and that was it...........they would not do anything until I paid to get it authenticated, turned out to be a very expensive bargain !!
I think this was a smaller retailer and on examining the box, it does say refurbished;but they didn't tell her that in the shop. I think she is going back tomorrow, so I'll let you know what they say.
Just to let you know the shop has refunded the money, so they're just waiting for it to show in the bank a/c and then they're off to buy an iPod touch instead; grandson 2 has now decided he would prefer that to a laptop having played with grandson 1's since Christmas day.
Thanks again for all your help.
Take it back to where it was bought..if NO OEM cd is included dont keep it..build 7600 is an early windows build..the final builds are usually in the 8000 range of digits...especially if the sticker isnt legit..problem #2

Oh no! My legit Window 7 is fake...

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.


Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]


Reality check here - build 7600 is the right build, but given the other issues with it (CoA, non-working install) it needed to go back.
At some point in time..windows will automatically connect to its authentication servers and tell you if your windows is genuine or not..if its NOT..windows will slowly stop functioning
I know this cause I tried this on a work machine..worked from 6 months.. :mrgreen: ..then MS got outsmarted me!..I spent $130 usd on a damn legit CD

Blades said:
At some point in time..windows will automatically connect to its authentication servers and tell you if your windows is genuine or not..if its NOT..windows will slowly stop functioning
I know this cause I tried this on a work machine..worked from 6 months.. :mrgreen: ..then MS got outsmarted me!..I spent $130 usd on a damn legit CD


Windows Activation in windows 7 can be fooled quite simply

You need to reasearch how Windows 7 Activation Works and the inbuilt Windows Activation Technologies (WAT) that is in Windows 7

just google "Hazar windows 7 activator" and "Hazar removeWAT" and you will find that any Beta/Pirated/Borrowed copies of Windows 7 work perfectly fine.....

just make sure you don't have Windows Updates on (personally i have spent more time fixing machines that Windows Update has screwed up than anything else !! if you update your own various Software and things like FLASH/JAVA and you have good antivirus software and use common sense, then just filling it with bloated microsoft updates and patches is pointless !, if it aint broke don't fix it !!!!!

This machine i am using right now has windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit installed from a borrowed DVD, and has been activated using above methods and has been running fine for 14 months...

I generally dont think that doing things like this is correct, however i think that Microsoft were awful in releasing Vista on the world, when Vista was really just an unfinished version of Windows 7, then millions of people worldwide suffered with buggy Vista, (money making product testing for Microsoft !) then released Windows 7 and wanted silly amounts to upgrade, or just left people with buggy Vista !!!

Microsoft Have enough money to research and build a good product, not release a load of crap and charge people to buy and test it for them
then shaft them.................so i have no shame in running a not strictly legit bit of Software.
Blades said:
At some point in time..windows will automatically connect to its authentication servers and tell you if your windows is genuine or not..if its NOT..windows will slowly stop functioning
I know this cause I tried this on a work machine..worked from 6 months.. :mrgreen: ..then MS got outsmarted me!..I spent $130 usd on a damn legit CD


Bearing in mind mine came direct from MS UK (employee purchase from a friend of mine) I doubt mine is ever going to fail...
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