Hybrid Tech on ebay

Is it me or have some of the prices for razors on ebay gone a bit crazy recently?

I would have love to have owned this Tech given it's rarity but is it really worth the $400 it sold for???

It's seems very mixed to mixed. I'm still able to find some items at reasonable or low price*. It seems that in demand categories are chging more frequently than in the past.

* pre '20's Gillettes.

Oh man.....I know that seller pretty well. He usta be on assorted forums a while back, mostly over at TSD I think. Now this guy is one that every shaving forum member would love.

He took his collecting very seriously and came up with some just amazing shaving crap. Incredible pictures that he'd post......whew. Steve, you especially would really get a kick outta this guy, the two of you trying to top each other. He also had a very good sense of humor (most days) and knew the deal with banter.

For one reason or another, he doesn't post anymore, and hasn't for a long while. Too bad, because he was like a cedarfurnitureman in regards to his pieces. He wouldn't sell many of his beauties from his collection though.....but he DID love to enable people.

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