How to Polish an Old Brush

Wednesday June 29, 2011
West Wales
I have 2 old Ever Ready brushes and the handle material is a bit dull. What is the best way to polish them up and what materials/polish to use?

They look like this example:


Answers gratefully received.

I have done a little research on B&B and an American restorer suggests giving the handle a polish with Flitz. Here's the link to the B&B article:

The stuff can be bought on eBay, but there are different types. I think that this is the one he uses:

But I would like the view of a UK expert as well.
For many types of plastic resin type products you could start with if they are badly scratch wet & dry paper, very fine grades such as 600 then 1000 then some wire wool, then safecut polish, finish with brasso metal polish and a good little tip finish off with a litte bumper interior plastic car polish. Another good finishing polish is Flitz.

Regards Jamie.
I give it a good wash first, then a gentle going over using "Peek" metal polish, and buff with a Microfibre Cloth, then i use "Meguirs No 17" plastic cleaner, and wipe off with a Microfibre Cloth, then finish off with "Meguirs No 10" plastic polish and buff with a Microfibre Cloth then another wash and dry.........this gives great results.
Lots of eager polishers here. Please don't turn it into shiny new pin, it isn't and that patina probably took years of use to develop.
antdad said:
Lots of eager polishers here. Please don't turn it into shiny new pin, it isn't and that patina probably took years of use to develop.

Yep, too true.....with nomal plastic ones it wont really matter much, but with the butterscotch colour ones made of catalin, that patina will be removed if you are too eager with abbraisive metal polishes...
Well in the end, I just washed them in Washing Up liquid and then gave them a polish with Silver Polish, one of those multi-purpose polishes from the supermarket and the brushes came up lovely. Thanks for the advice,

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