How to locate/'go down to' a post on a thread

Monday July 20, 2009
Hi guys,

Will do my best to describe what is a simple problem.

You have a thread with many posts, or even a webpage which is quite long (meaning you have to scroll down to read an article, for example).

You would like to give someone a link to a particular post/section of the webpage.
For example, I made this up:

The thread location:
but you don't want to go to the top of the thread, you want to go to a particular post which is half way down the webpage.

Is there a way to do it? I think it involves adding a bit to the end of the weblink. something like this:

You have to add something like "/1" .

Anyone understand what I'm trying to Say?

A real example. Thread location: <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=23&t=912</a><!-- l -->

but what is the weblink if I want to go directly to the last post from 'Hando' on the first page? Is there a way to do it?


Thanks again! A definate New Year's Resolution for me is to learn more about computers, set up own website and so on..
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