How Often

Thursday March 25, 2021
When I was working in the office , I was shaving every morning, Now with the lockdown the discipline has gone a little . This is my reason to try DE shaving. I want to get some discipline back into my life, get out of the sweat pants and have a shave regularly. There is the question. How often should I shave with the DE.? I have been using a TOBS cream and a brush with my Cartridge razors for many years. Should I shave every day, If I do shave every day should it be just one pass.? Frankly if I was in the office, I could perhaps easily get away with a shave say on Monday morning and the next one would be acceptable on say Tuesday night. I guess this would be around 36 hours. Now I am at home, I guess I could stretch it out to shave every other day.
I'm looking forward to starting my DE experience.
How often do you shave?
Before I switched to wet shaving - it was literally only once a week.

Nowadays it's similar to what Chris says - 36-48 hours. Sometimes 24 hours if the shave before was rushed a bit and only two pass (happened only couple of times).

To me it's more of a choice for the experience of it rather than necessity. I feel like day and a half is the optimum to let the skin rest after a close shave so it's ready for another one.
What everyone above said!
Also, I've found, after a year and a half-ish wet shaving; is that the time between my shaves is not always consistent. I seem to switch between phases of shaving every 36/48 hours and phases of shaving every 4/5 days. I'm still working out which is best for me......maybe they both are!
In lockdown I used to joke about my beard calendar: if I wasn't sure what day of the week it was I just checked the length of my beard.

Since then I've discovered wet shaving. I rarely get as far as three days without a shave. At that point, the pleasure of making a nice lather and slicing effortlessly through thick growth, particularly with a straight, is too hard to resist.

If you tend to go a while between shaves an open-comb can be a good choice. Less likely to clog up.
Depends what the day is for me. I tend to shave 3-4 times a week. Some times I'll shave more. I don't work in an office, but still think that a neat looking chin gives a good impression to my regular and new customers. I may go a few days without a shave if I'm staying at home. But normally by the end of day three I can't stop rubbing the whisker farm, so it's time to harvest the crop.
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