How do

Lurker here, now poster. Neighbour from across the water.

I have the same handle to say this...'a different' shaving forum :angel: in case anyone puts two & two together.

Then I found this one and joined - nice to say hello to you all.

Generally my daily shave comprises, after a hot shower :-

- Proraso pre or Dermalogic pre-shave guard.

- If soap, Tabac, MWF or Mikes. If cream, GFT, TOBS or Proraso. For some reason with a straight I get my best shave with EJ Aloe Vera cream so that too.

- Brush will be a Muhle Retro series, SOC 2 Band, SOC Boar or SOC 2000 depending on the software and the mood.

- I lather in a scuttle or an old-fashioned shaving jug.

- Razor will be a Merkur R41 loaded with a Feathers. I also run a 39C Slant, a '61 Fatboy and a 1912 but I can't replicate the results I get with the R41 with those. I use a Feathers in everything in which it will fit.

- 3 passes with touch ups below the jaw leaves me BBS.

- Post-shave is an alum block, a balm and a splash of something funky.

The reason I am willing to take the time, trouble and effort to do it like this is the pleasure of turning what would otherwise be a daily drudge of a chore into a wonderfully pleasant experience.

By way of other background I'm 34, born and based in Dublim. Wet-shaving 20 years. Big rugby fan, and I referee the game too (former player & coach).

I look forward to being on the forum.
Welcome from another big rugby fan, so you are a Leinster Man and a rugby ref, I've always been a Cardiff RFC fan and since the regional switch a Cardiff Blues, but I'm not a big fan of our league to be honest, I don't like the fact nearly all the sides get to play in the Heineken cup regardless where they finish, the league imo is not competitive enough and allows the better teams to field very weakened teams, but If the English & French have their way we will be fielding less teams which I'm all in favour of.

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