Hestons Hidden Orange Christmas Pud !!!!

Sunbury !!
Erm.............anyone ever tried one ?

so half the pud is gone and in it's place is an orange in the middle ?
and we are in double and even triple figures for this masterpiece.


anyone have any good recommendations for a good chrissy pud, i am having dinner with parents this year and i like to buy the turkey and the Pud, turkey is sorted but want a nice xmas pud...................just not heston nice !!!
The Daily Fail always like a good shortage scare story at this time of year...must be all those benefit scrounging muslims shopping at Waitrose I tells ya.

My recommendation would be to find a desert you actually like.
antdad said:
The Daily Fail always like a good shortage scare story at this time of year...must be all those benefit scrounging muslims shopping at Waitrose I tells ya.

My recommendation would be to find a desert you actually like.

My vote is for the Sonoran, or, failing that, the Gobi.:icon_razz::angel:
chrisbell said:
antdad said:
The Daily Fail always like a good shortage scare story at this time of year...must be all those benefit scrounging muslims shopping at Waitrose I tells ya.

My recommendation would be to find a desert you actually like.

My vote is for the Sonoran, or, failing that, the Gobi.:icon_razz::angel:

They can be rather dry.
sunburyboy93 said:
Erm.............anyone ever tried one ?

so half the pud is gone and in it's place is an orange in the middle ?
and we are in double and even triple figures for this masterpiece.


anyone have any good recommendations for a good chrissy pud, i am having dinner with parents this year and i like to buy the turkey and the Pud, turkey is sorted but want a nice xmas pud...................just not heston nice !!!

Never that enthusiastic of Christmas pud at best of times, at end of a heavy three course meal just a bit much. Last couple of years the lady of the house has made a triffle, everyone seems to enough it, small persons, old persons, middle aged persons, etc. Great thing about a trifle it can be made a couple of days in advance and put in the fridge. I suggest you give the triffle option some thought.

Happy Christmas
The shop bought ones all seem to be much of a muchness.

There's some truth to that, did you see the One Show tonight? They went to a factory who make over 70% of the UK's christmas puddings, from Tesco's to Sainsburys, including the basic and luxury ranges.

I'm having chocolate and orange tart with cream, I can't face a heavy pudding. I quite like a little bit of pudding but my God, it sits in the stomach. Doesn't leave enough room for the Amaretto.
Seeing this thread reminded me that I have a Marks & Spencer vintage Xmas pud that was laid down in 2003 for consumption in 2004, I have just unsealed the box, no funny smell, the pud is in a plastic bowl with a film lid, there is no bulge in the lid, and no leaks of any kind so I'm guessing the contents may still be edible, if it looks and smells OK when I pop the lid I'll steam the bugger but I'll give some to SWMBO first:icon_twisted:
And I had Kedgeree for tea. Isn't it supposed to be a breakfast thing? Yummy anyway - a recipe in Jamie's Great Britain. Lots of lovely spices and hard-boiled eggs still gooey in the middle.
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