
Saturday July 11, 2009
Hi all,

Just checking in to say hello. I'm new here but not new to DE wetshaving - have been at this obsess.... hobby for a year or so now. I'm on Badger and Blade too (as I suspect many of you are). I've been getting a bit tired of that board of late as there seems to be a lot of bitching and I hate the way that certain vendors aren't allowed to be discussed. Very silly. I think B&B has got too big now and many threads are unanswered for days (if at all). I always get a quick and helpful response from Shave Den and ShaveMyFace. I'm hoping this board will attract similar membership.

I've been using a Merkur HD mainly (which I love), and love Feathers and Crystal Israeli Personnas. I've recently discovered Red Packs, which seem even better than Crystals, for me, and may become my go to blade. I have a Slant too, which I've only shaved with a few times. It seems like it's at its best after a few days' growth.

I use both creams and soaps (why limit yourself? ) and face and bowl lather, mood depending.

Current faves: TOBS Rose cream, Tabac, Mama Bears Rosemary Mint, Palmolive stick (how good is this for the price!?)

I've been using a small TOBS Super brush, but have recently acquired a Rooney 3/1 in Super, which is a different animal altogether! I find I have to use more product, but it's still a great brush, and much more dense than my Taylors brush.

I have an unreasonable hatred of Mitchell's Wool Fat soap, and Derby blades, so please forgive me in advance for any rants I may go off on! :mrgreen:

Looking forward to the discussions!

Hello John

welcome & make yourself at home

I quite like Derbies and have some woolfat coming in the post so we'll see . . . .
Hi there and welcome,

The Woolfat can be a troublesome soap to lather from what I have read. I don't know how long you have perservered but I got some delivered on Friday and I like the smell so if it is crap it will be a huge disappointment. Reading some reviews of it on B&B it seems like more than the normal amount of people struggled with it at first. Maybe worth putting it away for a while then come back to it. Thats what I tend to do with things that dont work for me. Blades I previously wrote off became quite good later on when I go back to them after a break.

I think you build up this frustration with something and then you get in this circle of knowing it is crap and not trying as hard, which then just confirmd that it is no good. You could be right with the Woolfat or perhaps it is just not for you.

I decided it would be best not to chuck a new unknown soap into the mix when I started straight shaving on Saturday. I was worried that too many unknowns could spell disaster but I do look forward to the challenge of the Wool Fat and getting a decent lather.

I don't know you and do not want to sound like a tosser here but it is worth reading anddad's tutorial, it really is helpfull.
I thought that MWF was supposed to be very similar to Tabac, only really differing in scent. I see you like Tabac so surprised you're having trouble. But everyone's situation is different. I have no probs with Tabac, Mama Bear or Palmolive, but always got a weak lather that disintegrated quickly with TOBS, which is generally well regarded. HFC
Pig Cat said:
I thought that MWF was supposed to be very similar to Tabac, only really differing in scent. I see you like Tabac so surprised you're having trouble. But everyone's situation is different. I have no probs with Tabac, Mama Bear or Palmolive, but always got a weak lather that disintegrated quickly with TOBS, which is generally well regarded. HFC

For me, absolute night and day.

Tabac gives me very slick, thick, rich, slippery lather, every time, no effort, no fuss. I'm just not 100% sure about the scent.

MWF seems to hate me. It just doesn't want to give me anything resembling shave-ready lather. Ah well....
Agree with you about Tabac. Its scent is pleasant enough, but I can't say it's amazing. I expect that some of those who love it have nostalgic reasons. The lather is great though, very luxurious!
I don't get the whole Tabac scent thing. My wife (very fussy) sniffed it and said "it just smells like masculine soap" and I agree -- a mild and inoffensive odour that doesn't linger anyway. Maybe one's reaction to it genetic or something?

But the lather . . . if I never had to use another soap I'd be happy with Tabac for the rest of my life. Clotted cream! Lovely!

If they ever reformulate and take the tallow out I'd be gutted.

PS / BTW anyone got any Cella I can try? Looks good.
I fancy trying Cella too Rev, If I see any while in Italy I will grab some.
weren't you part of Tony's Cella group buy boab?

if not PM me your address again and i'll send you a sample, i'm sure i've got some left in the cupboard?
is Cella P160??

If so I am and will send some on to Rev.
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