Hello from Pacific Grove CA USA

Monterey Bay, California
I've actually been a member of TSR for a while, but have not been active. However, Darkbulb pinged me and awakened me from my slumber, so I thought I'd jump in.

I wrote Leisureguy's Guide to Gourmet Shaving the Double-Edge Way, the 7th edition of a book that earlier bore the subtitle "Shaving Made Enjoyable." I mention that for the same reason a priest dressed in civvies will often introduce himself as "Father" so-and-so: so that people will sort of know the situation in advance and not be taken by surprise later, and then try to remember everything they said....

Expect to see me more often now.
@Steve Bowles - Thank you for getting the book. I'm happy to answer any questions it raises (partly because I like to know the questions it fails to answer) and will be interested to hear your impressions of the book.

@SAnderson781 - And I say the same to you: interested to hear your thoughts and any questions.

@jmudrick - Previously I lived in Santa Cruz, on the other side of the Bay, then moved to Monterey some years later (in '92). I moved to PG only a couple of years ago, but I like it. (For those who don't know California, PG and Monterey are contiguous.)

@Everyone - If you're curious, Amazon's "Look Inside" feature will let you read the TOC to get an idea of the range, and you can read some of the book content as well. I would recommend the Preface to the Seventh Edition, of course: I put it at the beginning so that it would be read first. :)
I had a look at the Amazon preview and I ordered the book. It looks like good common sense stuff. I did have a giggle when I read that the book "would make an ideal gift for a Bar Mitzvah. I found this video of a young lad being taught to shave by his dad obviously after his Jewish coming of age and he has barely hit puberty! The poor kid is ruefully shaking his head as his dad decides he needs a shave Note also his dad's shameless plug for Gilette!

@matteob - Yeah, I thought it was a appropriate as a Bar Mitzvah gift ("Today you are a man") but sort of aspirational in that it will probably be useful a year or two later. (I started shaving around 15, long after a Bar Mitzvah would have occurred.)

Thanks for buying the book. I'm happy to answer any questions that it might raise.
Hello and welcome. Had a look a your book on line. Just need a link to your blog if @matteob is able to help.

Hi, and thanks for the welcome. Yesterday's SOTD post will get you to the blog, and you can click on the title to get access to everything, or use the category search (in right sidebar) to see only shaving-related posts. Note also onthe right the link to the pages "Useful posts," the first several of which are shaving related.
Hi, and thanks for the welcome. Yesterday's SOTD post will get you to the blog, and you can click on the title to get access to everything, or use the category search (in right sidebar) to see only shaving-related posts. Note also onthe right the link to the pages "Useful posts," the first several of which are shaving related.

Dumb question: do you know what format the kindle version is (ebook, pdf, etc)?
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