Hello from my screaming red face

Welcome Dave

get this as one of your first purchases

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.connaughtshaving.com/popular.html">http://www.connaughtshaving.com/popular.html</a><!-- m -->

that'll give you a good idea of what blades suit you, everyone's different but most people on here find Merkur blades pretty crap
Thanks everyone for the advice that's been posted throughout the day. I had a peep in Boots and Asda today at blades, but think I'll go for that sample pack mentioned above for a starter.

My face isn't quite so red today... torn between giving it a day's rest with the resulting "harder" shave with an extra day's growth, or having another attempt later with a new blade. Decisions, decisions.
Yes have a rest, I am posting you a pack of Derby's today so hopefully you will get them tomorrow.If you have more time on a weekend to shave then it's the best time to improve your technique.
Welcome along Dave. I reckon we all go through the stinging face / redness issue but it goes soon enough; and like many said as your face settles into being shaved more you'll find more than enough things to try that work. Buy more bathroom shelving!
I'm rather alarmed that I'm starting to gather a collection of tubs, bottles and lotions that is rivalling my wife's. The word "metrosexual" is starting to bang around in my head.

Haven't shaved for 48 hours. The Connaught demo pack of blades arrived to day, a packet of Feathers among them. What else could I do? Shaved in two passes, lots of lather, lots of steam from the shower... wow. I think I might be in love.
My face loves me today. I did spend some quality time on it yesterday though. I'm finding you can't rush these shaves, time and care are what are required. I think my next purchase will be a quality aftershave balm.
Proraso for your first quality balm then young man, from the same place you got your blades.

Musgo and Speick also rate highly but the Italian should be the first one you get as it's the one you'll measure all others against.
cheese_dave said:
My face loves me today. I did spend some quality time on it yesterday though. I'm finding you can't rush these shaves, time and care are what are required. I think my next purchase will be a quality aftershave balm.

That's why I preferably shave in the afternoon, when I come home from work. My beard growth (and image...) is such that I can easily go to work with a half-day beard...

My Geo F. Trumper Skin Food arrived today. I feel slightly apprehensive rubbing something called "skin food" into my face, but then I felt slight apprehensive the first time I ate an oyster, and I've never looked back. Recommended aftershave balm on order, thanks for the tips, guys!

Also received through the post today an envelope with nothing in it. More curious and yet more curious still...
Feathers are very good, grab a pack of Gillette Platinums from the Shopping links thread, they are out of production but the seller has a few.

Unfortunately it is quite likely that someone nicked the blades that BOAB may have sent you.
Welcome aboard, enjoy the ride..It sounds like your getting along well. It is worth the time to map out your beard growth direction so you can go WTG-with the grain, XTG-across the grain and in time ATG-against the grain.
I'm certainly coming to know my face better than I ever did before. I've been shaving for a good few days with the Geo F. Trumper shaving soap, then last night, after a hot shower and a good while washing my face with soap and hot water, used my old favourite David Somerset oil, and I have to say, it felt a whole lot better and NO NICKS. I don't mean I wasn't wearing any underpants, I mean I didn't cut myself, which I have every day so far with the soap. Interesting. Further investigations to follow.

Also, antdad: "Unfortunately it is quite likely that someone nicked the blades that BOAB may have sent you."

How did you know that the empty envelope I received contained blades and was from BOAB?? Sounds like an admission of guilt to me, haha! If I wore a moustache, I would be twirling the end of it right about now...
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