Hello from Brooklyn NYC

Hello to all. somewhat new to DE shaving. I am looking to learn as much as I can. So far I have the Merkur 1904 , Merkur Vision and a 57 flare tip super speed. Tweezerman brush. The only soap I have tried is Taylor of bond Street.
Thank you so much gentlemen!!! I feel very welcome indeed. Johnus I just became aware of the history of the DE and Brooklyn recently. I am only 2 months into DE shaving so I find myself doing a lot of reading and loving it. I think I have already acquired RAD as well. Very sad. I look forward to learning a lot here.
I had a feeling I wouldn't be the only American here. I inferred that if most of the supplies that are for DE shaving come from Europe there must be some folks who know their shaving here as well :)
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