Hello all

Johnny Beeblebrox

South Yorkshire
I've been lurking here for a few weeks and thought I would decloak and say hello.


61yr old returning to DE shaving after something like 40 yrs on cartridges - Gillette Sensor Excel. A combination of discontinued quality handle and a dissatisfaction with the shave made me contemplate a safety razor option.

So, about a month ago, I came across Brians Executive Shaving "How to Shave" on YouTube. Then went on a bit of a YT binge (mostly geofatboy and a bit of nick shaves).

I thought I'd just be dipping my toe in the water (no pun intended) but a month later I have the following:

DE Safety Razors
Initially bought a SS Wilkinson Sword TTO. Mostly because it reminded me of the DE I had back in the day - can't remember much about it, only that it was a shiny TTO. Shaved with the WS, didn;t kill myself although did slightly nick myself under my nose. Reasonably pleased but a tad underwhelmed. Especially did not like the blade sticking out a little each side of the head. So...more research required.

Bought a Merkur 34c and a nice base to go with it (because it was nice and shiny). Nearly bought a Erwin Jagger DE89 (I do live in Sheffield) but the Merkur pipped it to the post.

Next day, after more research (and possibly a few beers) I also ordered a Henson Al13 v2 (mild). Cost me what I thought was an arm and a leg but it's only money. Think I was also tempted by the engineering/precision marketing.

The Henson arrived first and I've been using that for the last three or so weeks. At present I want to keep the variables to a minimum so the 34c is waiting until I'm a lot more consistently capable with the Henson. I love the Henson. I could swear I got something approaching a BBSlite the other night but mostly it's been DFS (only on the last week). Am even managing OK under the nose. Gently, no pressure, relax, take it easy - oh and I switched to shaving in the evening (major change from the usual 0600hrs).

I've promised myself I'm not going to dive in and start buying a ton of razors and building up a collection but...saw the handle on a Parker 65R last week and had to order it. It arrived today. It now sits beside the 34c awaiting it's turn.

(Thinking about a birth year razor at some point so if someone can point me in the direction of a working Gillette Tech 1961 G2?)


I've ordered some sample packs and a few individual 5's and 10's.
Long story short I'm currently flipping between using Feathers and Personnas on the Henson. Slight bias towards the Personna at the moment - partly because of the residue that Feather seem to use on their blades - but mostly because of a, somewhat subjective, "feel" .


Have bought an EJ horse hair brush and a Simpson T3 synthetic. Mostly using the Simpson to, again, reduce the variables.

Not quite got the hang of lathering yet to be honest.
Was initially using tube of Palmolive classic lather cream and also bought a TOBS Sandalwood cream. Finally managing a decent lather but I was applying it all too thick to begin with. Have also ordered some Mitchells Wool Fat Soap to try that option.

Thoroughly hooked. I need to "perfect" my DE shaving competencies and try not to spend too much money. ;)
Thanks to all who administer and contribute to this forum - a very valuable resource.
Be seeing you...
Hello. That's a nice detailed introduction. Aren't you that bloke from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? It must take you twice as long to shave as the rest of us. Are you going for DE double edged because you're DH double headed? One edge for each head?
Welcome! I find that every time I shift onto a different piece of hardware or software it requires an adjustment period to get the best from it, and that slowed down the process of learning technique. If I had my time again I would stick with one razor, one blade, and one soap!
Nice intro johnny @Johnny Beeblebrox
welcome dracula GIF
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