Hard or soft......which is it?

Hard or soft.......which is it?

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Gairdner said:
Sorry Marty, don't do cookies. Biscuits aye, but cookies are like a stale or under-cooked biscuit for me and a weird foreign habit.

You statesiders have these strange things called muffins as well which are sweet like cakes and have chocolate chips or bits of blueberry in 'em. They seem to have permeated our society as well. What the chuff is going on with those, sir? Muffins over here are like a flat, savoury scone that are delicious cut in half horizontally and toasted for breakfast with butter or as the basis for that king of breakfasts,

As for dunking into tea and coffee: I dunk most thinks including, very occasionally a piece of cake,

So generally speaking, cookies are soft and biscuits are hard. That's the main difference between em from what I gather.

Well Big G, I'm with you when it comes to a cookie. Biting into em and chewing reminds me of eating semi baked dough. There's a few exceptions but mostly I feel like spitting out the lump of goop in my mouth instead of swallowing.

Yes, we have muffins here!!! Cupcakes are real popular too. You would like those...normally icing goes on top. There's a place I know of that bakes excellent blueberry and banana muffins, owned by a guy I've known since we were kids. I will bet you won't believe me, but pumpkin muffins are quite good. What's even better are prunella muffins. Seriously, baking with pumpkin or prunes gives the muffins a spice cake taste.

I know those flat Limey muffins you're talking about.......the ones you toast. I forget what we call em here. We also get crumpets in some stores.

Between you and me, I don't dunk. So finding out how popular that unsavory habit is in your neck of the weeds.......well it's a surprise. No worse than sitting around and chewing tobacco at the table I suppose.

gazza said:

Snuff at the table, chewing in the bar ;)

There's the genteel Limey touch I was looking for. Taking some snuff.......of course. How elegant.

Are individual spit cans used on the table when serving snuff? Or, do people just pull out the one they usually carry with em?
dodgy said:
gazza said:

Snuff at the table, chewing in the bar ;)

There's the genteel Limey touch I was looking for. Taking some snuff.......of course. How elegant.

Are individual spit cans used on the table when serving snuff? Or, do people just pull out the one they usually carry with em?

Snuff is snorted Martin (like cocaine, only a pinch up each nostril mind, and not with lines and a rolled up bank note) I don't think it's used these days, but the snuff boxes are very collectible.
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