Growing Vegetables

I used this book when I had my allotment, It's great when you are starting out.

It gives info on rotation, sowing times, disease, problems and how to spot/treat them. Well worth a purchase.

I also used this which was a really nice book, very tactile cover too :s
Boab said:
I used this book when I had my allotment, It's great when you are starting out.

I think I've got that but it's packed away at the moment. We've got no book cases at the moment so nowhere to put the books. I'll have to have a look for it.

Well the only thing I've planted so far is garlic. I shall sort out my salad stuff at the weekend. Also I'm going to start off my toms and runners indoors in pots.
An extremely easy (child slave labour is easier) early treat is peashoots for salads or a soup a 3yr old can make with milk and instant potato + chicken gravy powder or cube (meths stove made from catfood tin at the allotment makes a lovely Saturday snack). I use Leo or Batchelors dried peas - sow very thickly in a cleaned food tray eg mushroom. I can never wait for them to get more than 5 inches! Salivating already.
Great in stir-fry too.
One of my chickens keeps escaping and tries to dig up my garlic. Even with wire 'protecting' it. Bloody thing, we named her Cheeky Beaky which is about right. :mad: Tomorrow I'm going to buy a proper fence so they can't get out their run.
Planted some dried peas the morning after I posted 21/3, in old compost from last years pots, sterilised in oven. Left on kitchen windowsill, ignored with a plastic bag over.
Really sweet tender shoots with a little butter last night. Perfect with my shepherds pie from left over Easter lamb and a little mint.
Pig Cat said:
One of my chickens keeps escaping and tries to dig up my garlic. Even with wire 'protecting' it. Bloody thing, we named her Cheeky Beaky which is about right. :mad: Tomorrow I'm going to buy a proper fence so they can't get out their run.

I'd name her brodo di pollo...good idea Lloyd I have an old packet of peas somewhere.
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