Greetings from Essex

Hi all,

I am still learning the intricacies of straight razor shaving with my Dovo "Best Quality" and Dovo strop.

I have also got a cheaper straight razor on which I practice honing using a Naniwa stone.

I use Geo. Trumper Eucris soap and a badger brush.

I have also just bought an Edwin Jagger DE89 double-edge razor with Astra blades. I decided to get this for when I am in a hurry as the Dovo just seems to take so long for me to get a close shave. It's probably my technique which is at fault :)

The Jagger gets me great results immediately and I am now finding that this is now my favourite. It looks great and gives me a great shave.

Anyway, that's me!
Thanks for the welcome guys...

I am in Southend (hence the SS1 in my user name :) )

Regarding the Trumper's Eucris... I DO love the smell and yes I can see that getting a good lather is an issue at times. Curiously if I use my bristle brush I get a better one than the badger brush. I will persevere until the Eucris is all used up as I love the smell too much, ha ha. I did read that using Trumper's Skin Food under the lather also helps. I tried that once and did improve a bit but my sample of it is nearly all gone now!

It's true that the lather does dissapear quite quickly but it doesn't flake like I found with a Crabtree & Evelyn one i got as a gift once.

Any thoughts on Edwin Jagger soaps?
Ah, Sarfend! I'm not too far away.

However, if you're ever over at Freeport, I suggest you go into the Body Shop outlet and grab a couple of tubs of Macca Root shaving cream. They go for about 8 quid each but if you buy two you get the pair for a little over 11 quid. It's seriously great stuff - give it a try.
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