Graphics cards

County Durham UK
I need a new graphics card as I can't seem to persuade lightroom 6 and my current AMD radeon HD 6450 to play properly together.

Displays work but I am unable to use the graphics processor to speed up lightroom as is supposed to be possible in this version similar to how Photoshop does.

So what i was wondering was if those in the know have any suggestions for a card at around the £100 mark?

Should I stick with AMD or try Nvidea? If anyone knows of a good card that definitely works with Photoshop that would be great.

Thanks in anticipation.
I read a bit of it...some have had success with proper driver uninstalls and the use of older drivers. Sounds like they're on it, I'd hang tight for a fix unless you really can't.
Thanks all. It looks like I should give it a while for AMD and Adobe to work things out. If that fails then it looks like Nvidea might be the best bet.
bear in mind, it could be your pc bottlenecking instead of your graphics card, in which case an upgrade wont fix anything.
I'd hold on for a fix as mentioned above before throwing money at it, if that fails, research a bit more then just a new card before splashing out valuable razor and soap money!
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