Goodfella +Ikon Handle - will it work? - Result

I already have a Goodfella razor from New Zealand.
I really like the matte black head but the handle was too short for me.
The head currently sits on an Edwin Jagger Chatsworth handle but it's still feeling not quite right for me.
I have just purchased an Ikon long classic handle from the bay which is winging its way from Ikon in Thailand as we speak.
Could this be the ultimate combination for me?
I'll let you know when it arrives
Well the Ikon handle arrived yesterday and I fitted it to my Goodfella head. As I said before, the original Goodfella handle was too thin and short for my taste but this new combo is perfect.

The photo shows the new setup compared with the original handle.


The Ikon handle is solid stainless steel with fantastic machining. The balance, feel and weight of the razor is spot on for me.

It is easy to grip and my shave this morning, using Gillette Bleue Extra, NFB 2201 and Sunburyboy’s excellent shaving soap, was the best since I was converted to DE shaving.

A definite result
Do I not like to look of that!


Actually I love the look of that!!! :shock:

I just adore my Goodfella, so much so that I call her 'Michelle' :geek: I do know what you mean about the length of the handle . I have no problem with grip but could do with a slightly longer handle and the Ikon handle looks just the job.

Gonna have to keep my eyes open and save the pennies ;)

Thanks for posting the pic.
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