Going to try some random Indian-made blades


With SuperMax closing up shop in India I wanted some Zorriks before they disappeared from the marker. While I was buying them I added some other inexpensive Indian-made blades and I hope to test them out soon. I was curious if any of you had seen or used any of these and what your thoughts were?
I never used any of these blades. I also don’t see a lot of benefit in trying out blades that you basically can’t (easily) buy again should you like them.
SuperMax Super Platinums went through a few incarnations and the "new sputtering technology" certainly had a couple of revisions - that version of under the Zorrik brand is really nice for me. The older incarnation was not.

That aside, the new breed of Indian blades like those others you have there are good. I hope you enjoy them.
.. but, gosh! SuperMax closing shop. Wow!

Company size is listed as between 5000 and 10,000 on their LinkedIn profile and they are spread across the world so presumably manufacturing will continue elsewhere, possibly still in India.
I never used any of these blades. I also don’t see a lot of benefit in trying out blades that you basically can’t (easily) buy again should you like them.
Years ago, I picked up some very inexpensive SuperMax Blue Diamond Titaniums from Connaught. Tried them out and loved them. In the meantime, I found out they weren't manufactured any longer. Connaught had them still in stock so I grabbed a few hundred for 4 cents a blade. So I don't mind trying older blades out in the off chance I find a jewel.

I have enough Astras, Polsilvers, and SuperMax BD Titaniums on hand to last me a lifetime so trying new blades is almost just a hobby for me. It would be cruddy to find a blade you really liked and you couldn't get more. That's how I feel about my last stick of Sir Irisch Moos soap.
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I've gone three shaves with the V12 Platinum blade. It is a very smooth and comfortable blade ( for my face ), but it lacks a small amount of efficiency. I could see this being a nice mild blade to tame an aggressive razor or one that might be good to use after a lousy shave to let your skin heal. I think I'll try another blade from this tuck later and make a decision before repurchasing.

Current Verdict: good enough to use with the knowledge I'll probably be doing some extra touchup. The comfort level is impressive. Further use before I make any big decisions on it.
Update: I've tried the Zorrik Super Platinum, and it was a lovely blade. Smooth, comfortable, and sharp enough to handle my whiskers easily and efficiently.
Update: I've tried the Zorrik Super Platinum, and it was a lovely blade. Smooth, comfortable, and sharp enough to handle my whiskers easily and efficiently.

I'm really glad you liked it. I noted above that the older incarnations of the "new sputtering technology" were not so hot but the current incarnation under the Zorrik brand is very nice on my face.
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