Gillette Superspeed B1 circa 1956

Picked one of these up recently after using a Merkur HD for the past few years. These are still relatively cheap for a good starter razor, I got mine for approx €15 from a WTB in Badger and Blade and although there is some plating loss on the underneath of the head, everywhere else is still shiny.

First impressions are its a little bit smaller and lighter than the HD but the knurling on the handle is a lot more decorative and functional than the Merkur. The twist to open function is a great feature for swapping blades with the little flare tip knob cast in a different pattern.

Shave wise it's is a lot less aggressive than the HD and I have used Feathers and Derbys, I am going to try Swedes next.

All in all a well made razor for the price of a pack of crappy cartridges that would suit everybody and should last another 50 years.


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I do like the flare tip, it is a nice looking razor and a little bit different. The handle offers superb grip and blade change, as with all TTO's, is childs play. I do find it a mild razor although saying that I have only tried it with a few blades so perhaps I have still to find that ideal combination that suits me. In the blades that I have tried I prefer the Red Tip, to me they are the same razor only the red tip is a little more aggressive although some would say that is not a fair comparison.

If anyone sees of these going at the right price you should snap it up to try, it may just be your shaving nirvana.

Good review thanks for posting that.
This is my one and only razor. Just noticed it was reviewed here so thought I'd better comment. I love the look of it and find it shaves really well. Not particularly aggressive but gets the job done nonetheless. :shave
Presently I have on loan from Hunnymonster and Stitch306 (Cheers Chaps) a Bluetip SS and a pre-flaretip SS respectively, and have shaved with them both once.
It being understood that the Blue is a mild razor, I was astonished by the efficiency of this razor when loaded with a forgiving blade like the Treet Dura-sharp yellow.
Four passes and I was as well-shaved as with my customary HD.

Ditto with the pre-flaretip only I have achieved this morning the nearest I ever have to Billiard-Ball smoothness.

Admittedly I am left with a slight tingle but this I attribute to my inadvertently applying extra pressure to compensate for the weight-difference between SS and HD.

More expense - and with Christmas coming!
I bought a 50's Flare-Tip a few months back and it's been my daily razor every day - I really can't fault it at all, and the flare tip is my favourite of the Superspeeds.

That said I have got a 40's Milord here that is going to become a really nice little razor (once re-plated!)
Superspeeds are great value - they can be picked up really cheaply and the TTO mechanism plus the general weight and dimensions make them ideal starter razors.

Rockets and Aristos are really only Superspeeds on steriods (and I always get a buzz from the "Made In England" thing) but for the money a nice SS or even an adjustable is much better value.

I think we should try for another job lot razor buy again soon; I'm getting itchy to scrub up a big pile of old Gillettes again. Like Time Team only with razors.
This razor is MILD.

I bought one of these and found it way too mild, so it's now my girlfriend's!

I found I needed too many passes to get the closeness I was after, and this resulted in irritation, which surprised me, but makes sense when you think about it!

Very well made, easy to use. Not for me but it suits a lot of people.

I've got a 40's style SS, no date code. I love it. It's not a looker by any means, no end caps and it's not exactly shiny but it certainly does the job.

It is a very mild and forgiving razor. But sometimes it's nice to go for a mild, comfortable, don't need to concentrate too much, shave. I much prefer it to my fatboy but that's mostly to do with the head of the fatboy being a little unwieldy, the profile of the superspeed is far neater.

I picked my dad up a near identical one and it's the only razor he now uses, God forbid he remove the HD from it's box and actually use it instead of just admiring how new it looks.

It's a perfect starter razor. Unfortunately I don't get to shave with it that often as it is generally out on loan converting people - it's the workhorse of my wetshaving conversion programme. It is nice when it comes back to visit me now and then.
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