Gillette PII

Halifax, Republic of Yorkshire
It appears that Gillette have re-released their Trac-II/GII system in India under the 7 O'Clock brand: the 7 O'Clock PII

For the sum of 85.00 Rs, you get a handle and one cartridge, comprising a twin blade system, chromium coated, no lubrication strip ... just a ribbed guard bar. The handle is a metal spined plastic affair, much akin to their Trac-II and earlier Twinjector handle.


... just off to shave with it.
The Trac II was my first ever shaver when I was 14 or 15, using it with Edge green gel and Tabac aftershave. Gave lovley shaves as far as I remember, mind you in those years I never did anything other than WTG.

Carried it over when I joined the forces but swapped to DE after seeing other soldiers using it due to the smoother finish.

A smooth finish was essential, before leave when they checked how groomed we are, the Sargent major use to go around passing his credit card over our faces ATG and we all had to be quiet as mouse so he can listen to any 'scratches'.

If he caught you with anything short of a DFS he use to delay your leave by an hour meaning you missed the coach and getting home fairly later than all the other smoothies.

Needless to say I chucked the Trac and got me a Gillette G1000 with some Edison blades. Lost my way in DE back then when the Sensor arrived on the scene.
mrjackoboy said:
Looks good, but i have made a vow never to use a cartridge razor again, i enjoy wasting my money on vintage se/de nowdays :)

I can appreciate that sentiment, but this is most certainly still retro-shaving ... and here's a contentious thought: were injectors just early disposables? I mean, there's little difference between a disposable injector blade and these disposable heads - injectors even came in cassettes designed to dispense and dispose of the blades. Cassette? Cartridge?

Shemen Zait said:
The Trac II was my first ever shaver when I was 14 or 15, using it with Edge green gel and Tabac aftershave. Gave lovley shaves as far as I remember, mind you in those years I never did anything other than WTG.

Here's hoping ...

Mrs is "doing the towels" and I'm not allowed to commence until a towel is prepared. Women, eh? Go figure.
Hahah Paul, I never realized this but the Yanks had an adjustable Trac II, how odd indeed:
... and here I am idly mulling over the idea of boosting out my collection with some vintage Gillette Trac-II models, perhaps a Schick II, maybe a SuperMax SII ... and you go and show me this. Well and truly bloody enabled! :D

I might not pick this fellow up, but now I've seen it ... I want it!

Cheers, pal.

The shave? Champion!
This looks great. I think I have to get one.

I once said I'd never use a cartridge again, bit silly of me thinking about it. With the techniques a de razor teaches you and having a quality soap and brush my shaves with a cart are not only easier to achieve a first class finish but it's so much faster too.

I must write some thoughts on the Wilki hydro 5 I've been using. It's a brilliant razor.
Dipesh said:
I must write some thoughts on the Wilki hydro 5 I've been using. It's a brilliant razor.

Couldn't agree with you more on that one Dipesh. The best 5 blade razor I've ever used and the only one I could get 5-6 shaves from. The Fusion I was lucky if I could get 3 shaves from one cart.
I've been very shy to try anything with more than one blade, given the state of my face and shaves prior to coming to traditional shaving. Looking back at my first post here, I was in a mess!

I got a very close shave this this and actually forgot I was shaving twice with each stroke. It was easy to over-apply pressure and I had to concentrate to keep a light touch. The Gillette Guard on the other hand is simply a whip around without thinking kind of razor. This is most certainly a second place and that retro-feeling is very much there - it feels old; the Guard feels modern.

Seriously though, I always like the looks of yon razor. Andrey (unuta77 on ebay: the great Russian blade seller) had a marvellous, limited edition, vintage, gold GII for sale a while back. I was strangely drawn to it but managed to resist. If I bought a cartridge razor now, the gaffer would probably start throwing tucks of five and ten blades at me and there's enough to keep her throwing all day! :blush:
Dobbo25 said:
Dipesh said:
I must write some thoughts on the Wilki hydro 5 I've been using. It's a brilliant razor.

Couldn't agree with you more on that one Dipesh. The best 5 blade razor I've ever used and the only one I could get 5-6 shaves from. The Fusion I was lucky if I could get 3 shaves from one cart.

Glad to hear you enjoyed it Peter. I got... Wait for it.... 15! And I chose to retire it as it was a touch too dull. If I had a razorpit here at my place, I think it would double that easy.
Dipesh said:
Dobbo25 said:
Dipesh said:
I must write some thoughts on the Wilki hydro 5 I've been using. It's a brilliant razor.

Couldn't agree with you more on that one Dipesh. The best 5 blade razor I've ever used and the only one I could get 5-6 shaves from. The Fusion I was lucky if I could get 3 shaves from one cart.

Glad to hear you enjoyed it Peter. I got... Wait for it.... 15! And I chose to retire it as it was a touch too dull. If I had a razorpit here at my place, I think it would double that easy.

It was the last 5 blade I ever used but I still have about 20 of them in my cart bank, just incase :).
Dobbo25 said:
Dipesh said:
Dobbo25 said:
Dipesh said:
I must write some thoughts on the Wilki hydro 5 I've been using. It's a brilliant razor.

Couldn't agree with you more on that one Dipesh. The best 5 blade razor I've ever used and the only one I could get 5-6 shaves from. The Fusion I was lucky if I could get 3 shaves from one cart.

Glad to hear you enjoyed it Peter. I got... Wait for it.... 15! And I chose to retire it as it was a touch too dull. If I had a razorpit here at my place, I think it would double that easy.

It was the last 5 blade I ever used but I still have about 20 of them in my cart bank, just incase :).
Try a proper razor
pjgh said:
Isn't the razor pit just like hand stropping? Just rub it up your palm a few times after shaving.

I guess so but I found it does a better job, more consistent cleaning all over the blade.
Where did you get it from Paul?

Been considering trying this for a couple months now but can't find anywhere "cheap enough", definitely not for 85p!!
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