Gilette 'thin'

I tried an old Gillette 'Thin' blade last was a goldy/bronze colour...any ideas how old this might be(dont have a decent camera to show you).....anyway, the blade was crap.....worst blade I have ever used.
NotTheStig said:
Sadly the old ones are bad. If there is a date code on it (letter and number) I can tell you. Mine are late forties

Hi , yes the code on the blade is Y 1 ..... british patent 646977

I was excited about trying the blade because of its age.
Y is 1953, 1 means first quarter of that year.

Vintage blades usually seem tuggy and draggy compared to modern ones. I find they are less likely to provide razor burn.
Thanks nearly 60 years it's a wonder it still works at all.
I have another blade of the same date so will try that too.

Geoff, I'm next for the Blade PIF...there might be one in there...I think you are next after me. I might take you up on the offer in a couple of days....thanks.
Something seems to happen in the sixties - perhaps as a result of Wilkinson Sword introducing the stainless blade - but blades seemed to on the whole get sharper and smoother. The Thins are pretty bad; keep trying other vintage ones
Completely forgot about the blade pif! Had a lot on this week!
Anyhow, I'll add a couple to the pif for the next guy but let me know and I'll send some your way.

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