Gannet squad alert! New formula - TESTING

Hi Sharon,
I agree with Carl that you don't need/want to fill a deep tin to the brim.
Now, I've not had a chance to try the new soap - I've been on leave for the last few days and went beardy; all, bar door knocker (goatee), trimmed off now and ready for tomorrow, when I'll post a review.
Flying abroad shortly after, so please save half a dozen vetyver soaps for me - and thanks for making it!!
Here's a few ideas for your soap's name - I had a second rate education and lean towards the cheesy, so apologies:
Special Edition - obvious, and lets you keep the rest of the range.
Espere - with the relevant grave (or is it accent) - because you hope it's the Holy Grail.
Premier Cru - maybe scraping the bottom of the barrel here!
2014 - numbers worked for Nino Cerruti.
Top Drawer.
If it helps, I did discount Triumph (shades of bra's and motorbikes) and Pinnacle.
Thanks Geofney, lots more ideas there. Although lets forget Triumph right away, or this thread might go all 'tits up' like the 'make a law' one in the Lounge. :)
Don't worry, the bar soap won't even be listed until after your return, unless you're away for a month or more.
I look forward to hearing what you make of the shaving soap.
I've been struggling to come up with a name... when I think of something that rhymes with Nanny it all goes downhill.

My best efforts so far -

Le Nanny Red
Le Nanny Gannet
Nanny's - Irish Cream
Nanny's - XIV
Nanny's - Don't Worry About the Feckin Tin
Nanny's - Jambonwoman

What part of Ireland are you originally from? Might be able to factor something in around that.
jb74 said:
I've been struggling to come up with a name... when I think of something that rhymes with Nanny it all goes downhill.

Yeah, that's a tough one to rhyme. Do you think a makeover might be good for Toots? Get rid of that 'Silly Nanny' thing and go with something like ' Sassy Annette' instead. Something zippier, whatever it is.


T, how does that idea sound to you. Hell, you can call yourself whatever the hell you feel like. Heh, just a thought.
Cheers jb; yep, the rhyming thing is sooo not a good idea.....
Love these two
Nanny's - Don't Worry About the Feckin Tin
Nanny's - Jambonwoman

but not sure I could really adopt either.
Irish Cream is good too, but given that the tin says 'Handmade in England', that probably wouldn't work either. FYI I grew up mainly in Dublin - would Ballymun Avenue be a catchy one do you think? :) (Subsequently renamed Glasnevin Ave. after much hard work from the residents - just the word Ballymun on a job application guaranteed it went straight in the bin.

I think it's too late for me to change the name Dodgy; I had no idea I'd find the world of wet shaving when I started out. But for sure, 'Sassy Annette suits me far better. :)
Ya... what about something like

'Le Shaz - Shaving Soap for the Polished Gentleman'

I just can't let go on the 'Le' thing...

I can see it now... "Nanny's - Ballymun Flat Edition - Made in England, Bred in Ireland'
"Le Nanny's - Ballymun Flat Edition - Made in England, Bred in Ireland'
Bejaysus, I think that might be it!

Dan, I do a vetyver in the soft soap, currently got it in Original and Olive oil. The bar soap has been out of stock for quite a while, but will be listed again when cured, about 4 - 5 weeks. My ultimate aim is to do only one type of shaving soap, which is why I'm keen to have comparisons with my current two. It's all getting very unwieldy; just hope I don't end up making three types instead of two. :(
soapalchemist said:
Google says 'shizzle' means 'sh*t'. Never trust Marly, he's not called Dodgy for nothing.

You gotta look a little harder Toots. It's actually complimentary in most circles among people who use that language.
Right shave 2.
Same gear as before, only a lot less time today. I was in a rush and as a consequence - and to some extent the small tin probably didn't help - I didn't get as much on the brush as normal. And ended up with just enough for one pass. Really I mean just enough. But this was just a couple of swirls of the brush. So this does seem to soap up well.
One fast diagonal pass later I was expecting a bit of burn on the alum and to be honest a few nicks. However, no burn, no nicks and not the greatest of shaves but my skin still feels nice. It does give a good glide.
I'm going to mix up a batch of the other soaps over the weekend and do a few AB comparisons. But I do thing this one is a winner Sharon. I think it's getting the best elements of your other soaps.
Sheesh, and I thought I could talk 'street'. Obviously not, so the Silly Nanny fits. In my defence, it was only natural modesty that prevented me from suggesting Da Bomb.
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