Forgive me if this is controversial

Spear321 said:
Dick is the same with hi-Fi up to about 2 grand for cd player amp and speakers it consistently gets better after that double the price each time for a noticeable improvement

I've been there, fortunately I got myself to a stage I'm very happy with before I took the pay cut :)

jaycey said:
Spear321 said:
Dick is the same with hi-Fi up to about 2 grand for cd player amp and speakers it consistently gets better after that double the price each time for a noticeable improvement

Same with the 'ladies' round my way.

I notice we are around the same way.

could you point me to a forum where the
cheaper end of the market is discussed?
Well, I have spend a few hundred pounds over the past year since I started but now I have enough creams, soaps and blades to last me for years to come.

I get a good shave out of both soaps and creams. It's purely the scent of the cream that draws me, which then washed off in the shower anyway.

For me though, when the TOBS have gone then I will stick to cheaper soaps as this is one area that it is easy to over-spend but I will now be easy to under-spend on this area of my life.
gazza said:
I'm not going to miss out on any real performance, but only the fun of the hunt and some joy of discovery and ownership


That, in my opinion sums it up perfectly; plus some really nice scents that will (in most cases) be gone ten minutes after you are dressed. Arguably it could be better to spend that hard earned cash on a nice bottle of EDT, the fragrance of which, will at least hang around for a while!

For those familiar with e-cig forums

Yes I have a Provari
Yes I think its expensive
No I didn't buy it to look flash
No I don't think it performs 10 times better than a Vamo
Yes I think it brings something extra to the experience that is worth the money.
I personally also don't believe that more expensive shaving soaps or creams from like € 10 a € 20 perform better then cheap shaving products, but the thing that I think might be better is the scent.
Some expensive soaps definitely perform better (e.g. slicker lather) than their cheaper brethren.

And to put it into perspective; what we spend on soaps in a lifetime, some sax players spend on gear (mouthpieces, crooks, mics, gadgets) in less than a year.
Gazza no hi-Fi forum seems to be cheap end based though avforums isn't too bad.
Happy with what I have now too. Sold a big tube amp I had built as a kit and now have a very dinky single ended el84 amp which as long as you don't play thrash rock or want to shake the house foundations sounds wonderful.
Arko is one of my fave soaps, and 12 sticks can be had for £11 on eBay. That would see you sorted for years. Having said that, Arko doesn't smell like Art of Shaving Lemon, or any eShave. And both of those at least match Arko for performance. To me, the overall shaving experience makes paying a premium worth it, and that's more than just the actual physical act of shaving in my opinion.
Ah see! Perished - but you are discerning rather than narrow minded or of fixed thinking. Our beloved 3P comes looking cheap and nasty (a big red and yellow plastic drum) and does not cost the earth - and is magical stuff. I use it as a post-shave slapiton. You also appreciate the expensive products available,as do I. you say it well, I think - the overall shaving experience makes paying a premium worth it, and that's more than just the actual physical act of shaving in my opinion. Our experience moves to upper chakras and becomes Universal, opening us to higher planes and experiences. Fast and cheap is also good on a working morning, I expect.

Btb Peter, the world in which we spend as little as possible on everything we buy is called Poverty, a world populated by many in this country as well as America and many others. Poverty is the inevitable result of Capitalism and of Communism.
Oh 3P is the dogs danglies. Why more don't sing its praises is a mystery. I love the scent; even took the suggestion found on the side of the 3P tub itself and used it on my sunburned head as some kind of after-sun last year, fabulous!! Works wonders. It's a miracle cream.
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