First straight shave - how it went!

Sunday February 21, 2010
Received my vintage 6/8 Air Brand straight & a starter strop from Neil this morning, and have just finished my first straight shave.


I learned a few things:

(1) the toe has a very sharp edge, so you must be careful when shaving the sideburn area to avoid slicing into your ear. Ouch! Cut no.1

(2) The toe catches and cuts quite easily when you're shaving and it's near the face. Take care to keep it off the face! Ouch - a few wee nicks.

(3) I shouldn't have changed hands and tried to shave left-handed. Ouch!!! Inch-long cut, thankfully just a very shallow surface one.

(4) I need to practive getting the angle consistently correct.

(5) I got a lovely shave - once I got the angle spot on, it was as close as my DEs.

(6) Stropping isn't quite as straightforward as it looks in YouTube videos, and I must be careful not to hit the metal around the lanyard hole (which I nearly did a few times)

Overall, I'm quite pleased that it went well without any serious damage and that I got a great shave first time out. My one question is this: do you all change hands when you use a straight, or if you can manage to get to all areas of your face safely without doing it, is that OK?
Well that sounds quite positive, blood loss notwithstanding ;) It'll all come together before long, without a doubt.

As regards swapping hands, I think quite a few do, but not me. Not sure what the antonym for ambidextrous is, but that's what I am, and I'd wind up like Uncle Frank from Hellraiser if I attempted it. Contortionism works for me.
That's a nice looking razor.

Even though my attempts at shaving with an open razor were ultimately unsuccessful, I sometimes think about buying one just to look at!

I tried swapping hands, and even though I don't do it with a DE or cartridge razor, I was surprised how well my left hand worked.

I do use both hands with a straight, takes a while to get use to. It does get better ans well worth it so keep in their. Sadly something i dont have enough time to do most days.
Nice one LaGaffe!

I don't often delve in to the straight razor area of the forum but reading this it made me quite surprised to hear that many chaps swap hands. I don't swap my DE to my left hand to shave the left side of my face. It would just seem wrong. Surely it would be much easier when wielding such a sharp blade to only use the hand you are most comfortable with using for other regular activities, such as writing and er... :? ...well other activities.

Anyway, I really want to get myself a straight and am biding my time with Mrs PC who is currently dead against the idea. :cry:
Arrowhead said:
Treat yourself, PigCat - it'll be cheaper than that all stainless Tech clone you were musing about the other day at any rate.

Yes, in monetary terms. But it's more than my life's worth! The missus would go in to a serious strop!! :lol:
Surely there's scope for a little subterfuge, PC?

Intercepting the package marked "The Strop Shop" at the crack of dawn; clandestine shaving sessions followed by appreciative comments on how you seem to be even smoother faced than usual; inventive explanations for the lumps of exotic rock which keep appearing on the draining board; cultivating the arcane ninja technique of silent stropping. Could be quite an adventure.
Well done Lagaffe seems like a great 1st effort.

I'm struggling with the under chin area and do swap hands and find it works well in fact I keep meaning to have a go with the DE in the left hand, but then again I'm left footed and left eyed and prefer to box south paw. I suspect that I should be left handed but I was specifically taught to write right handed.
Nice one Lagaffe. I use both hands, I had been using my left hand when de shaving but the threat of it holding a loose blade ensured it came on leaps and bounds in no time. I don't think there is any need for it but it does give one more options for different angles. I'm not looking for the perfect shave soon, my plan involves it getting better and better over the years and I reckon two hands give it a little more scope.

I didn't bother tidying up with a de and looked a bit stupid for a few days when I started out. If you have an awkward bit you don't quite manage you'll be sure to get it the next day when it's twice as long as everything else - the power of not wanting to look really stupid.

PigCat - wait until she wants something and throw a strop, then throw down a deal. Or maybe someone could loan you one for a little while. All she knows is that they have your address and took pity upon your circumstance. It'd be rude not to try it. Once you're using one and still have your head on your body she'll be fine, maybe. I'd be happy to send you a razor and a little strop for a bit but my razors aren't exactly honemeister sharp.
Arrowhead said:
Surely there's scope for a little subterfuge, PC?

Intercepting the package marked "The Strop Shop" at the crack of dawn; clandestine shaving sessions followed by appreciative comments on how you seem to be even smoother faced than usual; inventive explanations for the lumps of exotic rock which keep appearing on the draining board; cultivating the arcane ninja technique of silent stropping. Could be quite an adventure.

Shaving by stealth, I like it, though not sure what the reaction would be if Mrs PC puts her ear to the bathroom door only to be met by a rhythmic sliding noise with occasional grunts of satisfaction. I will continue to work on her. Pointing out that we have seven potentially lethal knives sat in a knife block on the kitchen worktop within reach of our children gets me nowhere. Anyway, I've been through this on other threads in the past so we should probably leave it there. :( I've hijacked LaGaffe's thread enough as it is! :oops:
lagaffe said:
Received my vintage 6/8 Air Brand straight & a starter strop from Neil this morning, and have just finished my first straight shave.


I learned a few things:

(1) the toe has a very sharp edge, so you must be careful when shaving the sideburn area to avoid slicing into your ear. Ouch! Cut no.1
I started out with a round point so you must have a square or spike point. I prefer these over the round point
(2) The toe catches and cuts quite easily when you're shaving and it's near the face. Take care to keep it off the face! Ouch - a few wee nicks.
Only shaved the sideburns and down the cheeks
(3) I shouldn't have changed hands and tried to shave left-handed. Ouch!!! Inch-long cut, thankfully just a very shallow surface one.
I use either
(4) I need to practive getting the angle consistently correct.
Even though it's supposed to be 30 degree for WTG-with the grain, 15 XTG-across the grain and 5 for ATG-against the grain all that you have to keep in mind is so long as it's near those numbers you're ok. I'm no mathematician and am sure my WTG shaves are 30 or less. I try not to think about it too much.
(5) I got a lovely shave - once I got the angle spot on, it was as close as my DEs.

(6) Stropping isn't quite as straightforward as it looks in YouTube videos, and I must be careful not to hit the metal around the lanyard hole (which I nearly did a few times)

Overall, I'm quite pleased that it went well without any serious damage and that I got a great shave first time out. My one question is this: do you all change hands when you use a straight, or if you can manage to get to all areas of your face safely without doing it, is that OK?


Congratulations my friend and welcome to the SR club!

As far as youtube vids are concerned no matter how many you watch the only way to learn is by doing. Hence I didn't watch that many shaving/stropping/honing videos. Truth be told I read more than watch videos. It was such exhaustive research I felt overwhelmed I decided to cut back and take it easy.

Eventually you'll find out what works for you. May you have many safe and great shaves mate!
Pig Cat said:
I suppose there must be a different technique altogether to straights.

Of the many SR shaving videos out there you'll see the differences with each shaver. This is why I watched 2 SR shaving vids at most well to date 3.

Chimensch's 30th anniversary shave

He admits his barber telling him of how wrong some of his moves are because it looks "too dangerous." Truth be told, I think if you are comfortable shaving your own way no one should tell you otherwise. He sure as hell has more under his belt far be it for me to tell him how to shave. Very nicely done I might add.
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