FA Cup

Lose the beard said:
Has the FA Cup lost some of it's appeal to the bigger clubs.

Are they more interested in doing well in the League and Europe than the FA Cup?
I suppose this has been a question asked ever since Man U decided not to participate in the FA Cup back in 2000 after their '99 Champions League win.

The giant killing this year has been a real tonic and brought the romance of this old competition back to the fore. Brian T is right, Liverpool weren't far off full strength and perhaps in a different season with a few injuries, that may well have been the best side they could put out. The lower league teams can only play what's put in front of them and there are still huge mountains to climb.

I can remember Oldham in the top flight and Luton, Bradford, Wimbledon, etc. Been magic so it has - everyone loves an underdog! Unless it's your team dumped out of course.

As for my team the Jam Tarts, we find ourselves too near the foot of the table, behind our arch rivals but in the League Cup Final. Always love it when Celtic get beat too!
Fido said:
And just to go off topic, sorry to see Andy lose in the Australian Open. And to his critics - how many Brits are in the top two or three of a major world sport?

Couldn't help myself Fido - I just had to slightly change your question, as it's Andy Murray to '...How many Shits are in the top two or three of a major world sport?'
Now, now, Master Robert - leave the nice Scottish tennis player alone :D. Funny you say that though, my Mother-in-Law (as Scottish as they come) has a track record of disliking most of Scotland's major sports stars - she's not keen on Mr Murray, can't stand Stephen Hendry and there's a few more I can't quite remember at the minute. Personally, I just like to see any British sports star doing well but the banter is good. :D
Listened to the Villa game, my team, driving to Wales on Friday. All too predictable.

Sunday was great though, love the shocks in the cup. I went and watched Brentford at Southend in the previous round and I'm not surprised thay gave Chelsea a game. shame they couldn't hold on though.
brian.t said:
Just got back from watching us turn the scousers over! They were at almost full strength too!
It was like our glory days in the Prem!

I didn't manage to get to the game, being London based, but it was great watching us put on such a fantastic show against (formerly) top opposition. Brilliant that we held up so well in front of millions of viewers too :)

I have to live it vicariously through my dad, but it sounded fantastic.
Whenever people find out that I'm a season ticket holder at Kenilworth Road, they ask why I support such a small team as Luton.

Well, it was quite big when I started in 1974!

Something that hasn't been mentioned much is the large number of Norwich fans that applauded us off the pitch on Saturday. Good, old-fashioned sportsmanship.
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