eBay Global Shipping Programme Weirdness

Halifax, Republic of Yorkshire
Here's the background ...

Some time ago, I was enrolled into the Global Shipping Programme (hereafter "GSP"). Despite it appearing to be a really neat solution to my international shipping requirements it turned out not to be a lot of use because I sell razors which, when listing a new item, tells me that it is not eligible for the programme.

No drama, as I just specify my own international shipping options and carry on exactly as I did before.

But ...

I go to revise an item to list it as Free P&P (in fact, I go to a number to revise as Free P&P) to find that where it would usually tell me that the item was NOT eligible for the GSP, it now doesn't ... so, I check the "Use the GSP and leave it all to us" option and think nothing more of it.

Then ...

My first sale goes through, the seller pays and I go to print the shipping address for the British GSP collection point and see that the seller's home address is there, NOT the British GSP address.

I talk to eBay ...

Who tell me that I revised the item and it is not eligible for the GSP because I previously had my own international shipping prices set. Yes, I did. There were no warnings, no errors, nothing to say that I could not switch mid-listing; in fact, the editor let me do it and there it sat, quite happily with the new option set.

I asked further questions and was told that to be eligible, you've to set that option from the outset. I explained that I had to move it FROM that default setting and specify my own prices because the item was not eligible (initially), but when you go in after finalising the item to revise, it would appear that the item is eligible, let's you set it over to the GSP option but ... it is actually NOT.

So, if you respond to a fellow asking if you'd send to, say, Italy and what the price would be, your response being it'll be via the GSP and so Free P&P as the address you'd be sending to would be Britain anyway, he buys the item and pays ... you're out of pocket for the (now) international shipping.

... and eBay simply say that they can see blah, blah, blah, you explain that what you get to see says exactly the opposite, they say, you say again, they say it doesn't matter that you can't see what they see and that what you see is wrong despite what you see being the only thing you can see and so you base your understand on that because it's all you can see, not what they can see. Grrr!

So ...

Don't switch items over to the GSP mid-listing as it will not work - what it will do it show you that it would have appeared to work, but when it comes to the sale you'll be on your own ... without the GSP.
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