Do you take a few days off?


Do you ever take a good 5 or 6 days off every now and then? Not only to leave the skin heal but also for that great shave you have when you have a few days of growth?
4 days is my maximum, and yes doesn't it feels great, shaving after a heavy growth. I always shave every other day, but very occasionally leave the 3rd day.
The 4 day growth was a one off because I shaved the sideburns uneven and had to let it grow to match them.
I don't tend to take days off unless I have got a lot of irritation or cuts, longest I have taken off was a week when I tried a straight and sliced my cheek on my first stroke, left my face heal.

I try not to avoid shaving because my skin goes to pot and I get a little spotty. If I cut myself like on my neck or upper lip I do avoid shaving those areas for a few days, but shave the rest as normal.
Four times a week for me. Monday, Wednesday & Friday morning and again Saturday night. I've tried shaving everyday but the irritation really starts to build up after a while. Now and again I'll let it grow out for 3-4 days over a long bank holiday weekend or something.
No, I shave every day and don't need anytime for my skin to heal as you put it. I find the unshaven look too scruffy especially with all the grey hairs mixed in. Having said that, I occasionally finish a shave with a splash of witch hazel if I sense any razor burn. The final touch is an application of moisturising cream and then a splash of after shave.
My job doesn't require me to be clean shaven every morning, so I shave every three days and I love how my SE's go through it. I wish it grew at a faster rate to shave more often. I don't think I can shave every day because I have very coarse growth and I think I would blunt the blade more often. To give you an example, a DE blade will last me only for one BBs shave. An SE blade is only good for 3-4 shaves no more. What I've noticed however is that with SE's I'm BBs longer than a DE shave.
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