"Do you even 4711 bro?"

So, got my first bottle of 4711 this week.
It's been one of those products I've always wanted to try but never got around to but some time ago I took advantage of a sale on Perfumania on landed myself a 6oz+ bottle for $2.

I didn't really have any expectations of the product. I just knew it has been around for a long time, it's unisex in scent and a lot of people seem to really like it.

This morning I splashed some on as I would with any EdC.

First/initial impression:
- Very fresh scent,
- More feminine than masculine
- Seems to be just one strong citrus note. Not a whole lot of complexity to it

Fifteen-twenty minutes later:
- Would really only work in the summer months. It's really fresh.
- I like it more and more after it settles a bit. Very nice.

Forty-five minutes later:
- Great scent...now, where did it go?

- Light/fresh summery citrus scent that has a very poor staying power (less than an hour in my case).

How about you? Do you 4711?

* Oh, and for some reason I've always thought the bottles were plastic...but it's actually a really nice glass bottle
At this point in the year, I keep a bottle in my desk at work to freshen up ahead of late meetings etc. It comes into its own in the summer, applied as a cologne rather than as a fragrance.

Guerlain's Eau de Cologne Impériale would be my pick but, since it's often too rich for me, 4711 is perfectly suited.

Along with Tabac and TCP, 4711 also reminds me of one set of grandparents. Badedas 'bath gel', Chanel No. 5 and Penhaligon's English Fern remind me of the other set.
At this point in the year, I keep a bottle in my desk at work to freshen up ahead of late meetings etc. It comes into its own in the summer, applied as a cologne rather than as a fragrance.

Guerlain's Eau de Cologne Impériale would be my pick but, since it's often too rich for me, 4711 is perfectly suited.

Along with Tabac and TCP, 4711 also reminds me of one set of grandparents. Badedas 'bath gel', Chanel No. 5 and Penhaligon's English Fern remind me of the other set.
I wish a shaving soap existed that smelt of Badedas or as we like to call it Badass
Yes I do as well, a nice summer cologne, citrussy and cheap as chips. Agua de colonia concentrada lasts a bit longer for me so that is my go to for the summer. It has a geranium and clove that lingers.
4711 is just an inferior knock-off of Farina Eau de Cologne. They smell similar, but the 4711 has a chemical note to it when compared to the original Farina Cologne.

Both are refreshing, short lived, and though I hate to assign scents to seasons, are definitely summer scents.
Been using the 4711 for several days in a row now to give it a fair chance...and I really like it.

If I could use just one word to describe it it would be the rather generic 'fresh' - but that is simply what comes to mind.
I'm actually liking it so much that I might see about getting some Neroli Portofino.....or, well, a tiny sample :)
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Just to clarify, are we talking about the original 1709 Farina as opposed to the one by Roger and Gallet. It looks like it is £42.50 for 125ml on amazon. Is anyone aware of any better deals? I have tried a sample of Neroli Portofino tonight and 4 hours later, it is still smells blissful. I can just imagine this in the Summer. If money was no object.........
I haven't tried the R&G Farina, but I understand they are very similar to the original 1709 Farina.

I wish the Farina family of scents lasted longer. The scent is divine, but only lasts about 30 minutes on me. :( I'll catch whiffs throughout the day, but nothing like the initial blast.
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