Dinner Tonight

Saturday August 27, 2011
North East Scotland
Only a brace though :icon_rolleyes:


Shot last Friday. Hung for four days. Dressed, then kept in the 'fridge until today.

They are a tasty bird for sure, but my favourite is Woodcock.

Not that I would refuse another brace of Grouse :icon_rolleyes:

I bet they taste lovely, I always use to pick up the occasional pheasant I would knock down early morning for the pot, if it were to badly damaged, well then my ferrets would be dinning like kings.

They were tasty !

Although young birds, I had to ensure that they were cooked through. SWMBO will not eat any meat with even a hint on pink in it.

Consequently, I pot roast them in a cast iron pot, breast down with a little stock. That way they cook quickly, show no pink :icon_wink: , and remain moist.

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