"Desert Island" kit

OK: you can have one brush, one razor and one blade (i.e. one type of blade) to last you for the rest of your life.

Three years ago I'd have said vintage Simpson + Blue Tip SuperSpeed + Swedes

Two years ago: Rooney + Parat + Kai

Today? New Forest + f.t. Rocket + a Gillette (any of the 7 O'Clock series)

I know, I know: not the sharpest blades, nor the sexiest or most aggressive razor, nor the most expensive brush - but a bloody good combo for every day use. Smooth, nick-free, rashless: safe but not ineffectual.

(For lather? If I could only have one? It would have to be MdC. Sorry.)

Et tu?
I'd go with a new forest, Weber DLC and an Astra SP. For pretty much the same reasons as Rev-O. Although the Weber does look pretty good to my eyes.

Soap? I'd have to go with the good old Palmolive stick. I've tried lots of others, and this lathers as well if not better than all of them, and costs peanuts.
Brush: Neo Custom 2band ( with TGN knot I believe)
Soap: MdC
Razor: EJ head with Bull mastiff handle
Blade: Super Personna (lab/medical)

Now I know what I am using for my next shave
My desert island kit would be:

Prep: Edwin Jagger face scrub
Cream: Erasmic old Jordan formulation with coconut oil
Brush: Edwin Jagger synthetic
Razor: Edwin Jagger Chatsworth Barley
Blade: Wilkinson Sword English made
Post: Edwin Jagger Sea Buckthorn balm.
Like The Wise Old Antster I reckon an SE blade would have many other uses on a desert isle. So;
Omega Brush
Ever Ready Streamline
GEM Blade
Prof Blighty glycerine Blueberry.

In fact, pretty much what gets used most mornings in the johnnyO household.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
Merkur 38c Barberpole
Gillette sharpedge Yellows
Large Hog bristle brush...forgotten the name its worn off, but its very nice and soft.
Mitchells wool fat soap.

Do they have window glass on desert islands AD?
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