Desert Island Brushes

Swansea, Wales

Well gents, planning a brush sale sooner or later, so gave some of my collection a quick going over. Had a serious think over which brushes I'd be willing to part with, and which I'd never be willing to go without. And here are the keepers. Well, more than just keepers, they're my favourite brushes.

Two badgers and a boar.

Firstly, the badgers.
A Simpsons 'Douglas' bought from Bullgoose shaving two years ago or so. I love this brush. Small yet nimble, with super soft hair. Love the handle too, very comfortable.

Secondly, my Da Vinci 'Uomo'. Frankly, why this brush isn't more popular is beyond me. Better than Shavemac D01, or any Simpsons in Super. Heck, It's better than my Manchurians too. Great backbone, very very soft, with little or no 'scritch' (which the americans seem very keen on). And the sheer amount of badger hair packed in makes this ideal for either soaps or creams. Creams are a particular treat when used with this brush.
I'd go as far as saying this Da Vinci brush is THE best badger brush I've used. Bar none.

And last, but not least, my Badger & Blade LE Boar, by Semogue, from around two years ago too. The best boar brush I've tried. Primarily a soap brush, the lather it generates is fantastic. and the handle is very comfortable too. Relatively cheap, it gives many a silvertip badger brush a proper hiding in the wetshaving stakes.

So then gents, anyone care to share their 'Desert island' brushes?
My single brush would be my Le Tuft beehive. Perfect in every way.

Second would be my Le Tuft big fella.

The only reason is that most Simpsons can be had by anyone, but my Le Tuft brushes are made for me to my preferences and so are my absolute favourites.
Not a big brush connoisseur here, I made do with an Edwin Jagger standard black badger (with a couple of others) for nearly a year before I went for more quality more recently, but that being the case I go for:

Rooney style 1 (large) in best.

It's the best brush I own. It sheds like a bastard (up to 7-10 hairs per shave) but I'm hoping it calms down as it's still only 7 weeks old. Grip on the very thick handle is wonderful, and lathering is how lathering should be. It's dense as a dense thing, something I hope can last, given the shedding. It holds soap for 5 passes, should you need that many.

Honorable mention to the tiny TOBS travel brush I have. It does a lot of travelling, and a lot of hand lathering (no bowl on the road) and stays wet in the tube for days at a time but at £20 a year and a bit ago it's been worth that and more.
For me it would have to be the following (I've added two of both badger and boar as I really can't decide between them:


Simpsons Duke 3 in Best
Simpsons Tulip 3 in Super


Semogue LE 2011 Finest Bristle 2
Semogue SOC in Ash

This may change when my Shavemac D01 3-band arrives in the next couple of weeks though. :)

I've never heard of Da Vinci 'Uomo' brushes before. I've just done a web search and can't find any prices on them.

Could somebody please be kind enough post a link up for me?
ajc347 said:
For me it would have to be the following (I've added two of both badger and boar as I really can't decide between them:


Simpsons Duke 3 in Best
Simpsons Tulip 3 in Super


Semogue LE 2011 Finest Bristle 2
Semogue SOC in Ash

This may change when my Shavemac D01 3-band arrives in the next couple of weeks though. :)

I've never heard of Da Vinci 'Uomo' brushes before. I've just done a web search and can't find any prices on them.

Could somebody please be kind enough post a link up for me?

Here we go mate.

ajc347 said:
For me it would have to be the following (I've added two of both badger and boar as I really can't decide between them:


Simpsons Duke 3 in Best
Simpsons Tulip 3 in Super


Semogue LE 2011 Finest Bristle 2
Semogue SOC in Ash

This may change when my Shavemac D01 3-band arrives in the next couple of weeks though. :)

I've never heard of Da Vinci 'Uomo' brushes before. I've just done a web search and can't find any prices on them.

Could somebody please be kind enough post a link up for me?

See, I have the same brush but haven't liked it from day one. Too much loft for my liking.

cubert said:

beejay strikes again. That 'heavy Metal' brush is stunning.
For me it would have to be my latest acquisition, which is my Neep Extra Silvertip as it is wonderful to lather up with, and it's the only one quite like it.

Piccies are here in the acquisitions thread.
Without doubt, my Beejay brush is "The One"

Since I received this about a month ago, I have not used any of my other brushes, and see no reason to do so.

It's perfect !

My New Forest 2213 is the best brush that I own (factoring in the performance, hand-crafted look and the extraordinary value for money) so would be my first choice for the Desert Island.

Second choice would be the Simpsons Chubby 1 in best badger - a very fine brush.

I've never encountered the Da Vinci Uomo brush either but it sounds interesting.
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