Deciding on Shave of the Day

I was wondering how you lovely people decide what to shave with, and when do you decide?
If you have a new purchase or lend then you will want to try it out, but if not do you decide just before the shave? The day before? Do you plan your week of shaves ahead?

Do you take photos in advance of each shave or do a week (for example) all in one go?

Does anyone randomise their shaving tool choices?

I used to decide the day before and I used to take a photo just before the shave but I've started deciding and taking several days of photos at a time, unless I'm waiting on a new purchase to arrive.
I don't have a method. Sometimes I just pick something I haven't used for a while. Sometimes I have a feeling of what I want, and often I will pick things that are photogenic, eg my Moka Express and my Koraat 14 2.0 just because the colours are similar, and an orange soap (now finished). I can't be doing with spreadsheets and the like, too much like work. Straight razors tend to get punted to the weekend due to time. Brushes get rotated but I might stick with the same razor and blade until the blade is done. Or I might have DE and SE on the go in parallel and just see what grabs me that morning.
Totally at random for me and i usually take the photo after the shave. There has been a hint of some stability over the past month. Fat February made the soap choice easy and a randomly chosen shavette shave at the beginning of January has turned into a shavette marathon and honed my technique. I still have choice of the razor on a daily basis...but not having to plan too much every day has been very enjoyable. I could see me moving to 1 choice and photo a week.
Very random & eclectic. I pick out what I'm using for the week on Friday afternoon's normally and do photos in advance of each shave day. This saves me time on the morning as i sometimes i have to start work very early. If i have a new shaving product then i will feature it at the start of my shaving week. The main thing is i try & do enjoy this traditional wet shaving hobby/pastime of ours.
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