Decent Strops?

Any suggestions where to get, obtain, buy a Decent leather strop?...
I have a Westholme strop and would like another strop of at least the same quality!... Alex Westholme sadly doesn't produce that many due to other commitments, and would like something sooner rather than later.
Any ideas???
Cheers all, Andy
I got mine on eBay when I first started and I still use it several years later. I'm not a big shaver or heavy user but it was Duke City or something like that. he has all kinds of Buffalo, cow, horse soft hard. he seemed to know a lot of it. might be worth hooking up with him? I seriously don't know much about him. he explained a lot of it to me, he uses leather and then two different cotton or vinyl something else is hanging off of it. he said some people want one and some people want the other so he just puts both of them on. or he sells or makes what you want
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