DE razor head vs cartridge head

Wednesday February 9, 2011

Is it just me or did others, when changing from cartridge shaving [Sensor/Mach3 etc] to DE, suddenly notice a doubling :eek: of razor head size when using a DE razor? While you could "whip" around your face and nip into tight places like under your nose when using one of those new-fangled cartridge models, the DE razor felt enormous - like you had swapped riding a bike to driving a bus?

Or am I just being over dramatic :shock:

I cant get myself to hold a Mach3 anything..feels too cheap compared to something that weighs more and will last much longer..blades are cheap too!

I came from a Sensor to DE so yes there was a difference. I find the M3 head more awkward then the Sensor; between the three blades, skin stretcher thingy and lubra strip a modern cartridge is quite large across the face of it.

My first DE was a 34C which did seem large at first but instantly felt right with some weight to it.
I agree with audiolab, I came from a sensor too, so the DE head seemed pretty huge initially. But when you look how much of the DE head is in contact with the skin, it's actually far less contact area than a Mach 3 or a fusion. Those carts are enormous, and the whole thing has to sit flat on your face. A DE blade is held at such an angle as to have very little contact area.

Now I'm proficient on technique I can be more deft with a DE than I could have ever been with one of the big cartridges.

I was using an injector for the six months previous to starting my DE journey, but had no problem with the adjustment to a heavier razor and larger head design. Heh, I had found my perfect injector/blade combo, and resisted trying a DE for a long time. I still remember thinking how damn clunky those Gillettes looked, especially the Fatboy.

For those of you who haven't tried injectors, there's a lot to be said for em. They do take some skill, and the shave can be quite nice. Things like prep, lather, and technique apply with an injector, and it's great for making an easy transition to a DE. Oh yeah, the head profile is extremely thin, which makes trimming facial shrubbery a snap. Heh, I still get my Schick adjustable out for a nice change of pace shave.

One thing I had to figure out with e DE was that pressure thing. Yeah, an injector weighs almost nothing, so you gotta bear down a bit to keep the blade from chattering. As you know, that's not quite the same situation as with a DE. I gotta say, having the extra weight is a nice feature.

I came over from an M3 that shaved me darn good in about 2 minutes so the first DE shave was "different". I have an EJ DE89L so no huge trap door or bulk. It does very well even around tight spots.
I am going to be trying an old TTO Gillette soon and am curious as how it will do.
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