Custom razor pouches.

Sunday August 8, 2010
South of France
Just a question, my sis in law is a very crafty person. (not in the supervilain kind of way :lol: ), she makes beautiful handmade things..
I spoke to her about making things like razor socks and other stuff out of felt and other materials.
I sent her a couple of DEs, and a few straights for her to play with, and see what she comes up with.

Who would be interested in this sort of thing? She could do standard things, but maybe do custom stuff too. (colours, name, initials etc.) which could be nice as a unique gift.

I'll try and get her to join up once she's got a few examples to show, and see what you guys think.
She's made loads of other stuff, but nothing like this, and I think she could do with ideas & feedback.

So what you guys think, would there be any interest? What would you like to see?

I'll give her a link to this thread, so she can see your reactions.


Yes, I would certainly be interested in buying something like that.

I have at least a dozen of DE and SE razors without case, and only one leather case (Merkur, see below).
This case is good (not perfect though, as it is a bit large for most DE razors) however it is very expensive (in excess of £20).
This means that for using it to store a '40s Superspeed (which I got for £11) or a SE (which I got for $10) would be kind of too much.


My preference would be leather or even canvas DE razor cases, similar to the Merkur case.
Furthermore, the case would be customized with the exact dimensions, so the razor inside would not be 'slack' during storage/transportation.

To sum up, I'm in and would actually buy a case for each single (uncased) razor I have.
A straight razor roll? I don't have enough straights to fill one but if I had I'd be interested.

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I did read something about tannin causing oxidation on straights, hence my apprehension of using leather pouches for them. (except when I travel)
Might be unfounded though.. anyone care to shed some light on this? I do like the feel of felt too.

A DE one would be brilliant. Especially one that is meant for short handled razors like superspeeds/rockets. It would do my head in buying one of those Parker/Merkur case and have all that empty space at the bottom!

Nice idea Max.
I've sent her a superspeed and a superslim, and the size of a slim adjustable (1cm shorter than a Superslim), so she should be able to make fitting pouches for those, and similar sized ones (HD, RedTip, Rocket etc..)
Also sent a 6/8 and a 4/8 straight for size trials.

FrenchBlade said:
I've sent her a superspeed and a superslim, and the size of a slim adjustable (1cm shorter than a Superslim), so she should be able to make fitting pouches for those, and similar sized ones (HD, RedTip, Rocket etc..)
Also sent a 6/8 and a 4/8 straight for size trials.


A lot of members also have EJ razors as well.

I would be interested. In fact it would probably give me an excuse to get more razors. :lol:
Parwin said:
FrenchBlade said:
I've sent her a superspeed and a superslim, and the size of a slim adjustable (1cm shorter than a Superslim), so she should be able to make fitting pouches for those, and similar sized ones (HD, RedTip, Rocket etc..)
Also sent a 6/8 and a 4/8 straight for size trials.


A lot of members also have EJ razors as well.

I would be interested. In fact it would probably give me an excuse to get more razors. :lol:

Should be ok for most EJ razors...

I like to think that I'm pretty good with machines ... except sewing machines. So yes, I'd certainly be interested in a few very basic straight razor "socks".

The reaction between steel and tannic acid used in leather tanning has been well known for a long time, which is why you'll see advice about not leaving knives in their sheaths for long term storage. It's probably not a problem at all for razors in regular use though - if anything seemed amiss you'd pick up on it before there was much harm done anyway. Stainless blades should be pretty much immune to this.
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